Well I thought there was one thing I could count on with my ex JW wife and that was she would not go back on her word. To make a long story short, after we were separated and I signed off on the marriage, my ex gave me her word that she would not go after my pension. Well a few years later guess what? Well you guest it, she phones me all apologetic and tells me that things have changed that she is making a claim against my pension. The lesson learned here is I trust no one's word when it comes to $$$$, even a good JW CHRISTIAN..... Thoughts or experiences people?
Do you trust a JW when it comes to $$$$?
by William Penwell 15 Replies latest jw experiences
Her lawyer got to her. Same thing happens to the WTBS. Their team of lawyers is very convincing I'd wager.
A thief takes your money and spends it, often on drugs and other contraband.
A Jehovah's Witless takes your money and throws it away, usually on the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund.
I think I would rather lose my money to the thief. While their drugs can damage themselves, the witlesses damage innocent people and expand their paradigm of supporting pedophiles and silencing the victims. Plus, they could use part of the money to suppress information about the cult from the public, so the public thinks they are a benevolent religious group while policies that accept or even create pedophile situations (including some that otherwise wouldn't even exist), or that hide members that kill and eat babies and do nothing until the media finally busts them, are hidden.
Sorry to hear about your pension W.P. That's gotta hurt ! Isn't there a way to prove she made that verbal agreement? Especially since she is going after our pension a few years after the fact. Wouldn't she have done that in the beginning unless some other agreement, verbal or otherwise, had been made such as the one you described ? It seems like an Attorney might be able to prove this in court somehow.
Speaking of money.. I imagine the WT lost money in the stock market like everyone else did. I wonder if there is a report somewhere that lays this out in black and white so JW's can see what is happening with their donations ?
William Penwell
If she was using the money for something sensible like food and clothing the bite wouldn't be as bad but you know that it will go to further the work of the International Pedo Society.
William Penwell
Sorry to hear about your pension W.P. That's gotta hurt ! Isn't there a way to prove she made that verbal agreement? Especially since she is going after our pension a few years after the fact. Wouldn't she have done that in the beginning unless some other agreement, verbal or otherwise, had been made such as the one you described ? It seems like an Attorney might be able to prove this in court somehow.
I have talked to a lawyer and without getting into specifics, he told me there is not much I can do. He said maybe if you want to pursue it in a court of law and you get her in front of a judge admitting to the verbal agreement, you maybe able to win but if you lose you could get stuck with all the court costs etc. Just shows me how hypocritcal these people are. Most never put away for the future retirement as they were too busy banging on doors, like my ex. but when they can see now that they have nothing in their old age to fall back on, guess who gets the bite? Guys like myself that worked hard all their lives just to support some BS society. I really have no use for the whole lot of lying SOB.
Divorce is messy business and not knowing all the particulars I cannot judge between you and your wife. I wish you both peace.
Sorry to hear it, I know the feeling. Dividing the retirement was the worst, compared to that "who gets the house?" was easy. Serious note, can you establish that any of the retirement was vested before you got married? She may not have a claim against that part, check with your lawyer about that if you have a way to document the pre-marital portion of your retirement account.
On a less serious note, Jerry Reed says we men should learn to eat our own cooking!
NO, definitely NOT, it doesn't make any difference whether it's £££ or $$$$
JW's are just humans with all the same traits when it comes to honesty!
William Penwell
I think we missed the point of my posting. My point here is that I have learned you can't trust anyone if there is a little bit of money to be made. No matter who they are my experiance is when it comes to money you cannot trust anyone.