Explore the universe. I figured since we were going to live forever and would be perfect, we would be able to build starships and explore the universe. Just like on Star Trek.
I still plan on doing that, just not in this body.
by Ding 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Explore the universe. I figured since we were going to live forever and would be perfect, we would be able to build starships and explore the universe. Just like on Star Trek.
I still plan on doing that, just not in this body.
Good question.
But if you consider Christ would be available to meet and spend some time with the elect, who are ruling with him and there are 1,440,000 of them, it works out over 1000 years he can only spend about 6 hours of personal quality time with them each with little time for anything else. Here's the math.
If you assign just 360 days per year over 1000 years is 360,000 days. There are 1,440,000 elect who rule with Christ. The 144,000 are all Jews, representing only 10% of the elect (see Isa 6:13).
Christ will be ruling from Honolulu (i.e. 'paradise') and would have an opportunity to meet each anointed one personally. But if so, he would max out just doing that if he spent just 4 hours each with them on a one-on-one basis.
That is, if you divide 360,000 days by 1,440,000 you get 0.25 days. That's 1/4 day each, which is 6 hours. reduce that to 4 hours each, and he can see 4 of the anointed each day and have 8 hours left over to rest. That virtually leaves little time for anything else. Certainly Christ would spend some time traveling to various parts of the earth and correcting the poverty and hardship of certain areas and healing the sick.
As per my Bible interpretation, based on the Holocaust where 2/3rds of the Jews were killed (Zech 13:8) and a third remnant was allowed to remain and be restored to Israel, the same will apply to the "great tribulation" of Armageddon where 2/3rds of the population will not be selected for the millennium, though it appears 1/3 will be killed at Armageddon and another 1/3 will be allowed to die of old age to help with the transition. That 1/3 of the population that are chosen to live throughout the millennium will be in a new world and will enjoy all the benefits of a kingdom under Christ.
There will be no resurrections during this time. There will be children born and everyone will become completely knowledgeable about the Creator. Then after this Satan will be let loose. He will be effective in causing some rebellion but particularly the rebellion of "Gog of Magog" and so the down-to-earth living of a communistic world under Christ apparently won't bode to well with those who love capitalism and wealth or who are elitests as Gog of Magog represents.
Don't forget, the world will have peace and good health, but there are not going to be any really "wealthy people." There will be cooperation but everybody will be equal. Nobody will be wealthy with a lot of servants. So having a big mansion with a huge lawn might be up to you, but you'll spend all day cleaning and mowing the lawn. Each person will take care of themselves or their family, do their own laundry, etc. So obviously some who love being waited on will not be happy and Satan will remind them of the "good life" they could have under a different system and so they will rebel. That's why the Bible says it is very difficult for a "rich man" to enter the kingdom because the kingdom are for "artist" types, spiritual types, who really care little about possessions or any of that. Those that do will find that lifestyle a bit challenging, I suppose, and will rebel.
So the millennium will be great for people who are like surfers who like surfing all day and just eating cocanuts for food or whatever they grow in their personal garden. It will not be such a fun place for someone who likes being retired and jet-setting to nice 5-star hotels all over the world eating in fancy restaurants. Now granted, that can be FUN. It's not "evil" to enjoy a nice vacation or traveling. But you need a lower class to have that happen and there will be no lower class. Everybody will share and carry their own weight.
That's why I say the millennium will be sort of "communistic" only it will work because it will be done right. Everyone will be equal and will share the wealth of the entire world. Of course, as I noted, some people like being wealthy and rubbing shoulders with the "common people" is just not their style and so they will end up unhappy campers after doing their own laundry for a change. But whatever, in the end the spiritual and humanistics will be all that will remain or who could make living forever a wonderful success. Improper desires for wealth and power will be a thing of the past.
It will be great, especially after the millennium is over and the sexes will be abolished. No more male and female since there will be no more babies, marriages or families. Everyone will be "like the angels" and be androgynous. So you can have sex with anyone you wish. In fact, it might be a requirement.
For instance, if you presume 4 billion people total will populate the earth. These are those living forever. Likely a computer program will be created so that every single human on the planet will meet every other human, possibly live with them as a mate in some place on the earth. If this occurs every other year, it will take 8 billion years for everyone to meet and live with every other person for just a year with a year off for personal time and transition time, etc. Every person will end up living in every single abode on the planet, on every street, in every house in every town at one time or another over 8 billion years. So the experience of being "human" and living on this planet will be total and full.
Plus, besides have open sexuality, there are drugs! After all, Jehovah did create marijuana and coca and poppies, did he not? So besides fine wine and alcohol you can get high on whatever you want. You can do crack cocaine all day if you want to. Why not? It's not that harmful. You know, don't overdo it, but silly government restrictions on private choices won't exist. People are down on drugs because of the violence connected with money which is created because the government wants to tax drugs. But in the "new order" you can use whatever drugs you want to. Jehovah didn't create cocaine to be ignored.
So it will just be a lot of fun and partying and singing and getting high and having sex, just like in heaven before Satan messed everything up temporarily. So there is not going to be time to be bored, especially if you like people and socializing. But if you're stuck up and want to stay tucked away in your mansion and have minions wait on you then better do that now.
Wishing I'd never made it.
Larsinger...that was an enjoyable read. You were spot on with the idea that heaven is for the bohemian types.
Your diatribe reminded me of a conversation my JW friend once had with a guy from Cuba. I could see that the more the JW kept going on about what the new system would be like that the guy was getting irritated. Finally the guy said "What you are describing is what I fought to get out of. You're talking about Communism!"
My concern was what would I do for the next trillion years. And then the trillion times trillion years after that. And then after than another trillion times trillion times trillion.
When JWs say God planned the earth to last forever, I don't think many think past the 1000 years. They talk about all the wonderful things to do and research with our perfect brains, but who wants to do that forever (and ever and ever and ever) on earth.
I was gonna research all the things I wasnt allowed to research. In a way I started last year
Sounds like I'd enjoy heaven a lot more than the Governing Body would
Maybe I really WAS one of the elect after all
My concern was what would I do for the next trillion years. And then the trillion times trillion years after that. And then after than another trillion times trillion times trillion.
Have loads of sex with young beautiful women and make pure cocaine out of coca leaves
1000 year ORGY! I figure at the end, I was going to be killed ... but hell, I got a 1000 year ORGY and that is pretty damn awesome!!!