You're welcome.
Watchtower Educational Center Amended Site Plan DEIS PDF
by Mythbuster 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
they're sure acting as if the end is close
As a Witness, my response would be, "as Jehovah's Witnesses, we expect this system to end, not Jehovah's Organization"
Just remember the Classes only go K thru 6
Thank you for these links mythbuster! It contains a wealth of information on the size of the WTEC. Before the additions WTEC has gross floor area of 1,941,256 Sq. Ft. The new additions would add 904,000 sq. ft.
Did anyone notice that annual literature production reported has grown from:
1980=books and bibles: 35 million ( 22 million in USA)
magazines:400 million ( 201 million in USA)
languages: over 200
2008 report
books and bibles=108.6 million (28 million in USA)
magazines and tracts combined: 1.3 Billion
languages: over 520
I'm very interested in getting similar info for the buildings at WT Farms including the printing plant. Does anyone have a link to that info? Thanks!!
You're welcome. I found this quite by accident, but perhaps the County Planning Boards of the locations of the other areas might have something. Good Luck!
Thank you mythbuster!
OH the irony!
All the demonizing of higher education when their own education facility is legally such an organisation. Yes, that's why there's a clock tower at Patterson. They get some financial or tax consideration for it.