It sux getting Warrents for unpaid bills getting your Paycheck attached leaving you little money then becoming Jobless with No money coming in and it gets worse and worse.
Remember this 1000 yrs ago someone in Rome was being Taxed to the point of No return.
And in a 1000 yrs from now.. no one will rememeber Ken P. got into a money problem too.
What I hope to show is Never let Money problems beat you to the point of questioning Life or Death.
It will always be there. You are not the first you won't be the last! Phone calls can be unbearable but remember these very people hounding you.....
Their Fu***ng Company is part of the problem and also got $$$ from Goverments to help them.
Funny how us poor slobs can't get these handouts but we are expected to give give give.