The true one, over the years I have been utterly shocked at what some witnesses don't know about their own beliefs. As for the Mason-Russell connection there seems to be evidence pointing both ways. However one cannot deny he did at least "borrow" some of their symbols.
Freemasonry and Jehovah's Witnesses
by Hammer_Of_Thor 63 Replies latest watchtower bible
SITS VOL 6 P580-1 "This brings before us the whole question of orders, societies, etc., and what privileges the New Creation has in connection with such organizations. Is it right for them to be members of these societies? We answer that while Church associations are purely religious, and labor and beneficial organizations in general are purely secular, there are still other orders which combine the religious and the secular features. As we understand the matter, for instance, the Free Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, etc., perform certain rites and ceremonies of a religious kind. Let it be understood that we are not waging any warfare upon those who hold membership in these various orders, even as we are not waging warfare against the various sectarian religious systems. We place upon one level all of those which have any religious ceremonies, teachings, etc., and consider them all as parts of Babylon, some quarters or wards of which are cleaner, and others less clean, but all, nevertheless, full of confusion, error--contrary to the divine intention, as displayed in the organization of the primitive Church and the instructions, by word and example, given to it by the inspired Founder, and his twelve apostles. We admonish the New Creation to have nothing whatever to do with any of these semi-religious societies, clubs, orders, churches; but to "Come out from amongst them, and be ye separate, and touch not the unclean thing." (2 Cor. 6:17) Their things, their worship, their teachings, their doctrines, are unclean to us,"
If Russell wasn't a Mason, officially that is, then it's awfully strange that he was buried under a pyramid, with a cross and crown logo on it, next to a Masonic Center!!!
Not to mention, that he died on Halloween (was murdered, probably poisoned, in a Satanic Ritual, probably Rutherford had something to do with it), and requested that he be buried in a toga...
I mean geez, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, its usually a duck....the Russell family is one of the thirteen prominent Illuminati bloodlines that have been involved in all sorts of subversive shit including founding the SKULL and BONES SECRET SOCIETY!!
I would think part of the reason we're here is to expose the Watchtower for what it is: A Satanic Cult! So, EXPOSE THE BASTARDS!!! Maybe, we can stop a few more lives from being ruined.
Russell connection there seems to be evidence pointing both ways. However one cannot deny he did at least "borrow" some of their symbols.
This my opinion as well call him a borrower of other peoples ideas.
Pyramidology was not his original concept.
More of a plagiarizing charlatan/ traveling salesman full of unproven religious concepts that weren't wholly his own.
I found it interesting that the still remaining IBSA used a Masonic Hall to give a speech in my town.
Quite frankly I never perceived Russel as quirky as he was to as dangerous in his ideologies than what the JWS
founded by J Rutherford turned it into. It appears when Rutherford took the WTS over he inwardly created a
powerful kingdom of his own accord.
Christ's earthly kingdom had become his kingdom and the people who remained with him were subjectively his also.
As its known cultivated power into certain men's hands can be perilously dangerous indeed.
I know Blondie, I was making fun of people's inability to read. That's why I put j/k at the end.
Russell isn't buried under a pyramid! That is a pure lie. The pyramid is near where he's buried.
And if you're interested in what's behind the pedophile cover-up in jw land consider this:
Oct 31st - btw is also the day Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the Church door
Thanks for all the input from contibutors. My original quest was to find a precedence set regarding disfellowshipping on grounds of Masonic affiliation. I am still looking for that precedence.
I was hoping with the wide range of ex (and current) JWs that view and post here, at least a few would be able to relate some first hand knowledge of members that were DF'd for that specific reason.
Thanks again for all your research and posts.
Hi Hammer or thor
Are masons still strongly associated with spiritism and using emblems in complex ceremonies etc?
Can A Christian be a Mason?
Lyle Larrigan
"A Christian frequently must render a decision about supporting or joining various organizations that exist in the community. In some cases it may be a service club, a charitable organization or a secret society such as one of the lodges. In all cases, the Christian should carefully examine the articles or constitutional principles that the organization is based upon.
In the case of the lodges, that is somewhat difficult to do, especially as lodge members are under oath not to divulge the nature of the foundational principles or the ceremonies that are carried out in the temples. However most comprehensive public libraries have copies of some official lodge publications and books written by Masons, ex-Masons, and non-Masons available for anyone who wishes to find out details of lodge rituals and beliefs.
While some Masons deny that Freemasonry is a religion, there are some like Coil, the author of "Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia" who would agree that it is a religion. When one considers that the lodge meeting places are called "temples", prayer is directed to a supreme deity called "The Great (or Grand) Architect of the Universe" at the opening and closing of all meetings and the Bible is considered a "piece" of lodge furniture and is referred to in some of the rituals, it becomes quite apparent that Freemasonry can be and is considered a religion by most people who have done research into its workings.
In his 1984 book titled "The Brotherhood", Stephen Knight, a journalist and author attempted to take as objective a point-of-view as he could in deciding whether or not Masonry was guilty of devil worship as many had charged, and whether or not it was compatible with Christianity. He decided that the matter did not require a great deal of knowledge of theology. On page 231 of his book we find:
"One does not have to be a theologian - nor even a Freemason or a Christian - to recognize that Christians and Freemasons would have to worship the same God for the two to be compatible. The question simply, then, is do they?
If Freemasonry were found, despite its protestations to the contrary, to be a quasi-religion and to have a different god from the Christian God, then the two would naturally be incompatible."
On pages 235 and 236, Knight goes on to reveal the
"ineffable" name of the G.A.O.T.U. which is deliberately hidden from the candidates and lower degree Masons.
"In fact the Masonic god - cloaked under the description Great Architect - has a specific name and a particular nature, which has nothing to do with Christ, Vishnu, Buddha, Mohammed or any other being recognized by the great faiths of the modern world."
"Two-thirds of Freemasons never realize the untruth of the line they are fed as to the identity of the Great Architect, because it is deliberately kept hidden from them. It is no overstatement to say that most Freemasons, even those without strong religious convictions would never have joined the Brotherhood if they had not been the victims of this subtle trick".
"The true name, although not the nature of the Masonic god, is revealed only to those Third Degree Masons who elect to be "exalted" to the Holy Royal Arch.""In the ritual of exaltation, the name of the Great Architect of the Universe is revealed as JAH-BUL-ON - not a general umbrella term open to any interpretation an individual Freemason might choose but a precise designation that describes a specific supernatural being - a compound deity composed of three separate personalities fused into one. Each syllable of the "ineffable name" represents one personality of this trinity:
JAH = Jahweh, the God of the Hebrew.
BUL = Baal, the ancient Canaanite fertility god associated with "licentious rites of imitative magic".
"ON = Osiris, the ancient Egyptian god of the underworld
Coil records this in his Encyclopedia on page 516 as....................."
Hey Freydo, so Russell isn't buried directly under the pyramid, but adjacent to it. It wasn't a "pure lie" as you put it, it was a mistake. I've never been to the gravesite. But I still have to ask you, so what? What's the difference? It's STILL next to a Masonic pyramid and its STILL next to a Masonic Center. His literature STILL had Knights Templar, Freemason and Egyptian Winged Sun Disk symbols all over it. This shit is not innocently "borrowed". Symbols have great significance on human consciousness and this is no accident. Russell was a con man and a pedophile, and was funded by the largest Zionist New World Order groups, the Rothschilds and B'nai Brith. Why do people STILL try to downplay or defend what this guy was and did, and where he came from? The ONLY thing he ever said that came to pass was that the first world war started in 1914, but one would only have to be an Illuminati insider to know that, because Albert Pike blueprinted the game plan for three world wars back in 1871. Funny how only 3 years later Russell started putting his predictions in print.