Sharing a special anniversary with a very special lady and I'm looking for a little "inspiration" . So what's the best romantic gift you ever received (or wishewed you had)?
What's the best romantic gift youv'e ever received?
by potleg 20 Replies latest jw friends
We went to the Spa for the weekend, we had a hot tub in the room and we got some wine/champayne . It was
a real nice weekend.
You can never miss with jewelry and flowers.
I am lucky to be married to a really romantic guy. He has gotten me a few nice things over the years, but looking back, the most romantic things were the cards he gave me where he wrote from his heart how he felt about me.
Alone time with the hubby in a nice hotel room.
my wife took the kids to a family (hers) reunion for a WEEK!!!!!!!
I feel like the wife on "everyone loves Ramyond" . she was watching Raymond do some housecleaning, and she said " I have never been more truned on than I am right now". That does it for me too, doing housework working on the home. Also, there is NOTHING sexier than a good father. When I see a man holding/caring his children-- that is a real turn on. I guess that is why men have kids and dogs with them when looking for women.
If you have never seen Red Green, you should. It is on PBS, He says if you can't be handsome, at least be handy.
I'm still recieving my romantic gift
can't say what it is, cause I'll be banned from this site
My big boy Chester brings me a warm mouse everyday - sometimes it is a bunny, bird, worm, spider or snake. My heart melts for such a loving male.
Here is a thread I made about people's romantic experiences. You might find some good ideas.