Are you kidding? Under the current regime, Jesus would be labeled an apostate and thrown out. He'd wear a beard just to spite them, like the hand-washing thing. He'd be up on the new "brazen conduct" charges, if they didn't already have him DFed for his "independent thinking" and rejecting the "counsel" of the elders. At the very least, he'd never be able to carry mics.
It's very 1984-esque. What's absolute truth and must be believed today must be rejected and forgotten tomorrow. Meanwhile, they were both "right for the time", even if they're diametrically opposed. Their own literature, if it's pre-1950s is considered "apostate" (except for Awake!, which seems to be cut off at 1970).
Even if they can make a slam-dunk case for 1918 (or some other randomly-chosen date) being rock-solid in their beliefs and faith, hand-chosen by Jesus, and all his belongings turned over to them... What the H-E-double-hockey-sticks does that have to do with the 8 guys who are the GB, now?
The Pharisees made a similar claim in Jesus' day: "We're the descendants of Abraham." So? Sure, he was a great guy; "Jehovah's friend". And what exactly does that have to do with you? You guys are awful; "whitewashed graves", "offspring of vipers", "hypocrites", "of your father the Devil".
What profound "light" has the current group given us other than dumbed-down books that would insult the intelligence of a goat, a never-ending "generation", and idolatry to a publishing company? One just died and now only one has been there more than 15 years.
Over 10k people (let's say about 5k are male) are supposedly the "faithful and discreet slave", but 8 guys who I'm not confident can read a Bible, much less understand it, get to order them around while at the same time claiming to be that same "faithful and discreet slave". I'm wondering if Jesus said "Who really is the faithful and discreet slave?" because the definition keeps changing. Maybe he meant it like "Will the real faithful and discreet slave please stand up?" because the identity changes from Watchtower to Watchtower as often as the definition of "generation".
Supposedly, the fds was Russel (one man), he left it to a committee (a group), Rutherford made a power grab and seized total power (back to one man)... Meanwhile, every member of the JWs was supposedly of the "anointed". I guess they get to decide who God chooses. Why not? They had the authority to shut the door to Heaven in 1935, just to leave it ajar later, then open it back up when people wouldn't stop partaking of the emblems. But I digress... So, every member, by current definition, would have been the fds, yet only the leader was. Just like today, the wishy-washy, ever-morphing fds keeps people off-balance and blindly obeying a group they can't even identify but are supposed to be 100% positive are the "mouth of God". We can get answers that are more enduring and instill more confidence from a Magic 8 Ball.
The vast majority of the articles have little or no input from the GB, anyway and are totally from the minds and understanding of writing committees (who are no-doubt serious suck-ups to the GB). So, who really IS the faithful and discreet slave?