Atheist Richard Dawkins aids Haiti

by purplesofa 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    Atheist Richard Dawkins aids Haiti, touts God-free giving

    Donations to faith-based aid groups are soaring and believers get a great deal of just credit for stepping up to help in Haiti. Now unbelievers want the world to know they're just as caring.

    The champion of unbelief Richard Dawkins, Britain's star atheist scientist, has announced he'll personally cover the PayPal fees (up to $10,000) for donations to two non-religious relief groups -- Doctors without Borders and the Red Cross -- through a newly established site called Unbelievers Giving Aid.

    The twin goals at the site are are first, to help Haiti, and second to "counter the scandalous myth that only the religious care about their fellow-humans."

    While others debate if it's God or the devil that caused the quake, the atheists and skeptics here say the natural world is...

    ... "supremely indifferent to human affairs and sadly indifferent to human suffering. Those of us who understand this reality are sometimes accused of being indifferent to that suffering ourselves. Of course the very opposite is the truth: we do not hide behind the notion that earthly suffering will be rewarded in a heavenly paradise, nor do we expect a heavenly reward for our generosity: the understanding that this is the only life any of us have makes the need to alleviate suffering even more urgent.

    Regular F&R readers might recall that earlier this year we saw that unbelievers were among the fund-raising leaders at Kiva, the international Internet person-to-person micro-lending site. When I checked in July, the unbelievers were leading other special interest groups including churches, raising funds to uplift the world's poorest.


  • cyberjesus

    Why are his non-beliefs important?

  • funnyface

    My Dad was an atheist...He was ALWAYS helping some one. Love comes from Hearts

    Not religions. Of course I believe Jesus is the GOD of Love. Many hearts have Christ in
    them & they dont realize it.... HE died for mankind in MY Humble opinion.They dont know it YET

  • xchange

    Not religions. Of course I believe Jesus is the GOD of Love. Many hearts have Christ in
    them & they dont realize it.... HE died for mankind in MY Humble opinion.They dont know it YET

    Just checked. My heart has 4 chambers of circulating blood. No Christ in there. Maybe he's hiding??

    I know that you 'feel' that we don't know YET, but I can assure you that we have ascertained that no one has died for mankind. We just die, including this Jesus guy.

    Anyways, good on Dawkins!!

  • funnyface

    xchange Love you too


  • believingxjw

    I assumed that whether one identifies as an atheist or agnostic or religious, most have the same heart and conscience and are moved to help others in need. Will "Unbelievers Giving Aid" accept donations from believers or unlike the Red Cross do they prefer to keep the giving to those who believe only as they do? I doubt that most religious charities care what the religious belief or non-belief is of those whose hearts move them to give.

    Mr. Dawkins is too reactive. Let it be, all will sort itself out in time.

  • xchange


    glad you suffered through my sarcasm..

    live and let live eh?

    I'd say love you too, but we just met. I don't rush into relationships that easy. Unless you are a NiN fan or previous Dead Kennedy's nutbar, then it's love at first sight :wink:

    Still...good on Hawkins and his ilk

  • funnyface

    Well xchange if you did say ya loved me,that would make me a couger since I am 83+
    I dont know if your male or female ,but I love everyone ,even my enemies ,but you dont sound
    like one of them

  • BurnTheShips
    Atheist Richard Dawkins aids Haiti

    While I have a poor opinion of Dawkins generally (due to his combative polemics), I think this is a great thing. Let us put our differences aside and work together towards the good.


  • bohm

    If i saw this press-release and belief (rather than non-belief) was touted in the same way, i would go "WTF does religion have to do with anything".

    I dont know if Richard is responsible for how this is handled in the press, but I hope not.

    But good he is doing something for Haitti!


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