JW Theives

by Pig 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Pig

    When you’re a JW this world really doesn’t have much to offer, well compared to the visions you have of paradise. Just imagine, getting up and your only worry is which of the many foods you’ll feast on and who of the many people to meet you’ll meet. Your only pain will be your cheeks from the soreness of laughing.

    So from birth we’re taught to see this word negatively, even the good things we are told to see negatively. Like they’ll tell you an apple will taste so much crisper and juicy, grown from a perfect tree, eaten with your perfect taste buds.

    This also means you don’t seek out pleasure because the world has nothing to offer and hey, why bother when you’ll have eternity to do anything and everything you want. You’re wasting your time practicing piano; it will be so much easier when you’re perfect.

    Actually, there is one reason to stay positive, because staying positive will help you accomplish more in your ministry work and make worldly people think JW is an attractive religion.

    Hate the world and the things in the world. What kind of sick fuck would say that? So basically, you hate your life and the things in your life.

    So when you leave the JW’s you realize (hopefully) that there probably isn’t going to be another life after this one. To the best of scientific knowledge this life is all there is. Do you want to gamble on that by wasting this life in hope for a second? Once you realize that you realize time is the most important thing in the universe. And we often sell if for $10 to $30 per hour. We often wish it would go faster. We spend most of our time doing things we’d rather not do. When we sit passively and watch TV do you notice that the people on the screens are doing something that we’re not? They’re living their lives. They’re actually conversing with people and doing stuff.

    But how to escape the negativity and pessimist view that was engrained into by the JW’s? It’s the voice that tells you not to make an effort, just stay home, you cant find happiness in this wicked system. But you CAN find satisfaction, and even happiness. You just have to search and keep searching until you find a passion. Something that was murdered out of you by JW’s. And you’ll know what it is when you find it because you wont have a choice but to do it. It will consume your mind. It will wake you up at night. And even if you spend ages looking for something you never seem to find, the process of looking will be well worth it, it’s not something that you’ll look back on and say, gee I wish I didn’t try.

    You spent a long fucking time not existing, and trust me, eventually you’ll spend just as long not existing. But for the time being you are a tiny spark of life in an infinite universe. Just a flick of light and you’ll go off just as quickly as you went on. Your time belongs to you. The jehovahs witnesses tried to take that but you WON. Now make it so that on your death bed you wont even remember being a JW

  • Soldier77

    heheh, after reading that I feel like shouting, 'THIS IS SPARTA!'

  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    Wow, I'm pumped!!!! I totally feel what your saying about viewing everything as negative- just sit around & watch other people enjoy life on TV and imagine doing that in the "new system"- I did that WAY TOO LONG, but I still have a lot of life ahead of me...

    and I hope on my death bed not to remember the bad (being a JW)- that last statement was poetic and beautiful


  • serenitynow!

    Yes that is one of the things that the WT is guilty of. Theft of time. Theft of youth. Making people center their lives around something that is not real.

  • VampireDCLXV

    Yep, they'll steal people's ENTIRE LIVES if they can. Damn the Filthful and Disgusting Slavebugger! Damn the Elders!
    Damn them all to hell! If there is a hell, they deserve to be there!


  • LisaRose

    That was what so futile and unfulfilling about being a JW. Doing things you hated, afraid to fully live and invest in your life, all for some perceived future benefit.

    That is no way to live.

  • WTWizard

    I observed a similar pattern. In spring, the flowers start coming out. So they make a quick "Yes, there are flowers. We don't have time to enjoy them, because we are murdering people all the while we are looking at them." Which produces guilt.

    In summer, there are more flowers. Along with the heat and humidity, people out partying, and cookouts. The witlesses go "Yes, there is heat and humidity and barbeques, but we need to be saving lives. Otherwise, we are murdering people." Instead of enjoying summer, you are forced into guilt.

    Then, the fall comes. Leaves change colors, and you see the crisp cool nights giving way to warm afternoons. Again, you get the line "Yes, there are fall colors. We need to be out there saving lives, and not worrying about foliage or those nice crisp nights or warm afternoons. We are murdering people by dawdling." More guilt. And, it goes without saying that preparing for the holidays is out of the question--even making pumpkin pie "steals" time from saving lives, murdering people.

    When winter comes, it gets cold and snowy. You see the winter wonderland, often with a dash of Christmas. Again, "Yes, there is snow. Now, we have to rush to save lives, or we will be murdering people all the while we are enjoying the snow tunnels and snow on the trees." More guilt, at that during the season when we are not supposed to feel guilt. And, don't even think of celebrating Christmas.

    And, spring comes--the cycle continues. You got another year older, accomplished nothing to show for it, and you were cheated out of your right to enjoy the most basic elements of the seasons. As for all those lives you "saved(??)", not even one did anything more than acccept a rag and then disappeared. Still, you are supposed to be doing the separating work--you are stealing the word of God if you don't, plus depriving these people the chance of life if you enjoy the seasons. All you get is more shame, guilt, fear, and depression for your whole year.

  • serenitynow!

    Well said WTW. We were made to feel guilty about any minute that spent not preaching. I used to hate that on vacation they said that you still needed to preach, that you could never take a vacation from "the truth". Even just going to the mall you're expected to be on the lookout for opportunities to preach.

  • ProdigalSon

    Your "God" consciousness (not to be confused with the 'ego' or personality) cannot be destroyed and exists outside the body. (Eccl. 12:7) You are far from limited to your physical vehicle. Google "quantum consciousness" or "consciousness outside the body" or "outside the brain". This is now proven by many researchers.

    Spiritual evolution can be accomplished much faster down here on the 3d level, that is why angels and masters want to come here. Life on this earth is precious and not to be wasted, but this is what the Watchtower specializes in making people do. They make sure that otherwise spiritual people stay asleep and their pineal glands shut off, which is the mark of the beast on the forehead that blocks third eye vision. Only "Satan", the human ego which is the adversary to spiritual evolution could want this for people.


    It's not just our time they steal, they want us to pass on this plague to others so they can be infected with it too and have their lives wasted. Work colleagues, friends, our children as well as strangers on FS.



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