I noticed that the Watchtower Society grooms children by using the technique of exposing them to sexual material in their study articles that is not appropriate for their age.
Jehovah's Witness jailed for grooming and abusing boy
by betterdaze 22 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Kurtbethel: Agreed!!!!!! I've been thinking the same thing! Children exposed to such explicit material are sexualized at an early age and more prone to abuse at the hand of trusted adults.
This whole article is sick! It's about homosexuality?? It's child abuse, molestation, pedophelia! They persuaded him to go to the police? How about taking him there! The guy should have been disfellowshipped immediately and everyone warned. That poor boy! I guess if it was a girl it would have been okay. Sick pigs.
I agree Kurtbethel. This org seems to be very sexually focused. I've mentioned before that I first learned about masturbation through a discussion from the platform, totally inappropriate.
cognizant dissident
Serenitynow! You think that's inappropriate! Do I have a story for you!
My very first talk I was assigned on the ministry school at 10 years old was on why masturbation and other sexual perversions (such as homosexuality) was wrong. I had to ask my dad what all that stuff was. He got mad at me for asking him (probably because he was embarrassed) and said, "You know very well what it means, you are just playing dumb because you want me to have to say it!" WTF? I didn't have a clue what any of it meant. I was 10 for Christ's sake! He never got mad at the brother who assigned me the talk though, or asked him to assign me another. Big ass-kissing weeny. In the end, my disfellowshipped mom made up the talk for me, which turned out really good actually.
Me and another little girl (my householder) were whispering in the schoolyard about a teacher who was supposed to be a homosexual. I got out my Bible (you know, the one all 10 year old JW's carry to school in their lunchbox) and read her the scriptures against homosexuality and told her we should not be even joking about such things!
In the end, we got thunderous applause, I got 3 G's, my brother got slapped for giggling when I said homosexual, no one knew my df'd mom made up the whole talk, and I never did find out what homosexuality or masturbation was! Is that a fricken hilariously inappropriate, (but 100% true) story or not?
That's the first time I have heard the expression used "Grooming the boy".
Very interesting that they choose that term to use.
I understood the article to say that the boy just mentioned the behavior to the elders and they in turn told him it was wrong and would have to stop as god doesn't like homosexuals?
Is this where "Grooming" the boy came into play? He trained the boy to become a homosexual?
I wonder if he actually did become a homosexual after that.
Hopefully he will receive extensive counseling.
CD, that is a wild story! Why would your dad assume that you knew what that was? I was never able to reconcile the sexually explicit material at the hall with the scripture about being "babes as to badness."
cognizant dissident
I don't know Serenity, maybe for the same reason JW parents think marriage sex talks are appropriate instruction for preschoolers? JW's have always tended to treat their little kids as little miniature adults with unrealistic expectations of them. Just clueless. They are absolutely ignorant as to childhood developmental stages.
Instead of alerting authorities of the abuse the leaders of the church informed Gold that his wrong behavior must stop or they would expel him from the congregation.
What the . . .!
This proves this shitty religion protects child molesters!
Articles like this make me so mad!
Ban this religion, Russia is right in doing so.
Every child molester should be forced (with Police present) to attend their church/KH and announce to everyone in that church/KH what he/she did and what the elders/priest said/did when told of the act etc . . .
This will make people more aware of the corruption of their little church/KH and will wake people up to protect their children, hopefully make them walk out all together.
With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
Scottish reader
Those working with children in Scotland are supposed to have been subject to scrutiny via 'Disclosure Scotland' www.disclosurescotland.co.uk to assess their suitability to work with children. Obviously if there are no known reasons then the system cannot work. However this article caused me to wonder if the Kingdom Halls do in fact have a designated person to subject adults to this scrutiny before allowing children to accompany them on door to door work or any other activities which would give them access to children? If not, it could be argued that the Elders themselves played a part in that abuse by not using the system in place to protect children.