Okay, if you haven't figured me out yet, read my past forum posts.
So the 2 elders wanted to meet up with me for the last time today to talk to me, but I told them that I want to talk on the phone and not in person as I can speak more freely and have less inhibitions.
They found out that I had committed acts of homosexuality with a few people and they still want to keep me in the congregation somehow.
I, myself, don't feel repentant over what I did and don't really regret much. If I came across an opportunity to actually be in a relationship with someone and it were to appeal to me, I could potentially take that opportunity.
So now, I need to know what to tell them when they call me in an hour from now. I want to be able to let them know that I don't mind being disfellowshipped and that I'm not repentant. I want to essentially get myself out of this cult and this is a perfect opportunity.
So what do I say so that way my words and opinions stand???