Elders calling me in an hour

by bottleofwater 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • bottleofwater

    Okay, if you haven't figured me out yet, read my past forum posts.

    So the 2 elders wanted to meet up with me for the last time today to talk to me, but I told them that I want to talk on the phone and not in person as I can speak more freely and have less inhibitions.

    They found out that I had committed acts of homosexuality with a few people and they still want to keep me in the congregation somehow.

    I, myself, don't feel repentant over what I did and don't really regret much. If I came across an opportunity to actually be in a relationship with someone and it were to appeal to me, I could potentially take that opportunity.

    So now, I need to know what to tell them when they call me in an hour from now. I want to be able to let them know that I don't mind being disfellowshipped and that I'm not repentant. I want to essentially get myself out of this cult and this is a perfect opportunity.

    So what do I say so that way my words and opinions stand???

  • sir82
    I want to be able to let them know that I don't mind being disfellowshipped and that I'm not repentant.
    So what do I say so that way my words and opinions stand???

    I think this would work:

    "I'm unrepentant and I don't mind being disfellowshipped. Thank you and good-bye".

    Sometimes we make things far more complicate than they have to be.

  • leavingwt

    "I no longer consider myself one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I no longer wish to be recognized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. This is my final conversation with you. Do not attempt to contact me ever again."

  • cyberjesus

    so what happened?

  • brotherdan

    If you are ready, this could be the time to get out. I would make it clear that you also do not believe that it is the truth any longer.

    But you do have to remember that there are consequences. Your family will leave you behind in a second no matter how much they love you. That's the crazy sick thing.

  • VampireDCLXV

    I'd say it depends on whether or not you want to stick it to them...


  • OnTheWayOut

    V665, rough time to deliver a double entendre.

  • brotherdan

    Ha! Stick it to them...

  • saywhat29

    My only thing I would caution you about is your family and if you can deal with the ramifications of being DF because it could be a totaly abstract to you until they are hanging up on you and you aren't seeing them for some time. Can you deal with that? because you could easily fade? I don't get why you're meeting with them to begin with.

    If you don't care, then do you and take back your power, wish them well and move on. But the way you keep posting every little response they do, it shows that you may be a bit young and inexperience in matters that could affect you in the long term.

    You made a meeting with them even when you could have easily told them you're not up for it, that you would speak with them later or easily lied and said that you had something to do during that time. You didn't. So...

    Honestly, you have your answer and you dont need to post to a forum for 'WHAT SHOULD I SAY?!?!?!"

    You already said it. If you want to know what to say to avoid a DF so you can fade, then just say you stumbled, thought about and, lol as straight people loved this bit, "You'e confused and that you've been reading things and that you're feeling depressed." They'll back off, read some scriptures and follow up, and when they follow up just say you're busy.

    I don't get how they got you on a phone in a age with caller-ID and cell phones. Ignore, ignore ignore and tell them you got sick 'cause of the stress.

    There are tons of stuff you can do and say.

  • Soldier77

    What leavingwt said. That should pretty much end anything. Don't answer their questions, just make that statement and say goodbye and hang up, DO NOT answer their questions! You got that? DO NOT answer their questions. You want out, get out, but don't give them the upper hand.

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