I just thought this... how do we know that the GB isn't a decoy for people with the real power in the organization?
GB - a decoy?
by bottleofwater 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Have you read CoC yet? The politics in the org are fascinating.
compound complex
Greetings and welcome to JWN, bottleofwater:
There are conspiracy theories and conspiracy facts. I am no expert on how to distinguish one from the other. Those of us who were at Bethel saw no outward evidence, naturally, of mysterious goings-on. I believe ones such as Randy Watters and Tom Cabeen have alluded to the matter - directly or otherwise - and denied anything underhanded happening at Bethel. Likewise Ray Franz.
This isn't to say that nothing of behind-the-scenes weirdness has been written and published on the net. I've read some pretty scary stuff, but it's generally hysterical and undocumented conjecture. The Hollywood-style conspiratorial drama is less the truth than the reality of misled true-believers going about their perception of being a 'theatrical spectacle to men and angels.'
The GB are sort of a decoy. They make the decisions (sort of). But they don't make the money. They have the power (sort of).
In the past, the largest money went to suppliers of paper and ink and automobiles and furniture and stuff. While that still goes on, the real money today is in lawyers and people involved in selling properties. The GB are company men who sold their souls long ago, and all they want is to live like kings among the members. They get decent apartments and the ones who still have energy get to jet around the globe and give a talk somewhere where the members kiss their ring. They get wined and dined and enjoy that life, but they don't get mansions and yachts and stock options (well, they might have some kind of package similar to stock options, but its secret). The lawyers and money people have the real power and make the real decisions, then pull the GB strings.
From what I've been able to discern looking at official websites in NY state, you have two organizations. The WTBS and the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. Both are legally based in Patterson. Presumably the WTBS is the physical plant that publishes materieal and the CCJW is the GB, who (in theory) tell the publisher what to print. What isn't clear from what I can get for free on line is which one of these is the dog and which is the tail, although there are some hints.
I have noticed over the years that the Watchtower rarely publishes anything new, it doesn't actually seem to spend much effort actually explaining scripture, its almost entirely dropped prophecy. All of these were prominent features when I became a JW in 1973. I suspect the reason is that the day to day control lies in the hands of lawyers and accountants and the GB is too feeble to do anything.
Which means the whole mess is running on auto pilot. How long it can fly more or less straight and level is hard to gauge. I don't THINK any one is making a lot of money on this, but I could easily be proved wrong. My guess is that, having painted themselves into a corner, they're trying to figure out how to get out.
William Penwell
I believe like any large cooperation, the power and decision making is probably held by a select few of the GB. The rest of them are only figure head yes men with no real power. If they dare speak out and express their conscience, they would find themselves like Ray Franz. I know just talking to some of my relatives the congregations are run somewhat the same way but even though they realize it is a bunch of BS, they still stick in there.
The lawyers and money people have the real power and make the real decisions, then pull the GB strings.
Do we know the names of these lawyers and money people? Are they making out like bandits?
My guess is that there is a "man" behind the curtain, and it ain't Jehovah.
Actually after that last explanation, I think the answer seems to be more of a NO.
the department of "Great Crowd" presided over by Carl Adams are the real force behind the WTS, the "little flock" of anointed GB members cant possibly be replaced much more and have a lifespan of less then 20 years, then Adams the corporations legal and finance men will control the WTS from then.