pg 55, paragraph 25:
There are times when an emotionally distressed
Christian may seek professional help.
Whether a Christian or his family pursues treatment
from psychiatrists, psychologists, or therapists is a
personal decision. An elder should not assume the responsibility
of recommending a specific practitioner
or facility. He may draw attention to or discuss material
in the publications that provides cautions regarding
therapies that may conflict with Bible principles.
(w8B 10115 pp. 28-29; w82 6/15 pp. 25-29; w75
pp. 255-256) While participating in group therapy by
a professional therapist is a matter for personal decision,
there could be a revealing of confidential facts
about other members of the Christian congregation
during such sessions if a Christian does not exercise
Is this talking about child molesters? Can someone look up the citatons?