Out Sourcing

by snowbird 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • snowbird

    A poster mentioned that WT may be using an outside source to join discussion boards such as this one in order to track down copyright infringements.

    It that is true - it is certainly plausible and feasible - wouldn't that be something?

    The great and lofty Watch Tower, having to rely on elements of Satan's sytem tm to protect its interests!




  • brotherdan

    I never thought of that! It's a good idea. Then they don't have to worry about their own being exposed to us dirty, evil minded apostates.

  • snowbird

    Yeah, they're just slick enough to do that.


  • ShirleyW

    The great and lofty Watch Tower, having to rely on elements of Satan's sytem tm to protect its interests

    As we all know that wasn't the first time they used the elements of Satan's system and it damn sure won't be the last !

    Can you say "United Nations" . . . . . . ??

  • booby

    not that "I" am an authority on the matter or consider myself at all important in all this but I just started a thread on this copyright issue. the thread is headed "do you think" and states the notion or asks the question, should they even come under the copyright law when this statement is included in their books.

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  • snowbird

    Tee hee hee.

    Their sins have mounted up to heaven, and are falling back onto them.

    Serves them right!


  • wasblind

    The " TROOF " should be able to stand up to scutiny.

    EVIDENTLY, it ain't the TRUTH, if it can't be scrutinized

    The Bible tells us to test, ask, and seek. Ain't that scrutinizin'

    The Bible tell us to it.

  • CuriousButterfly

    I would have to give it to them.... a PERFECT idea. Keep the an outside source to reading the truths.

  • onemore

    I work in a field where copyright infringement has been an issue since the late 90’s- early 2000’s. And to this date, copyright infringement through the internet remains a big problem. The Law of the Land has not been able to completely catch up with technology. In the old days, the in-house legal team had the skills and knowledge necessary to fight the old fashion copyright violations, but today….an entire industry relies on specialized outside firms to handle the internet or digital copyright infringements (search, track-down, delete and report).

    My gut feelin tells me (and I’m almost certain) that the WT either hired a “worldly” consulting firm to train a few bethalites to deal with this issue, or it is paying an outside firm to do the job for them. I either case, one thing is for sure…they had to go to the “world” to deal with today’s internet apostates!


  • snowbird

    True, OneMore.

    I'll bet they're paying a handsome sum for that, too!



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