Chapter 1"Hey....weren't we supposed to be perfect by now?"
Chapter 2. Can I still Auxiliary Pioneer ? ; One faithful sisters experience at Shady Pines, maximum security retirement home.
Chapter 3. I was never supposed to graduate from highschool, how come my grandson just did ?
Chapter 4. If grey headedness is a crown of glory, is it a sin to color my hair ?
Chapter 5. I've fallen away and I can't get up.
Chapter 6.Avoid stumbling others...; Safe use of Canes and Walkers at assemblies.
Chapter 7. Selecting a suitable mate from the "Babes" from the hard of hearing section.
Chapter 8. Improper folding chair placement at the District Convention and what it means to you.
Chapter 9. Am I a liar or am I just being "colorful"; Jehovah's view of Tall Tales.
Chapter 10. Is it just me or are the Elders getting younger?
Chapter 11.Avoiding immorality and the Ben Gay lifestyle ?
Chapter 12. Whats a 4-Oh-Won-K...and why do most worldly people my age have them?