New Kingdom Melody Song

by sacolton 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • sacolton

    Seeing that the new songs suck, I decided to write one of my own ...

    "Bird Food"

    Apostates need to return

    To the Watchtower and get reinstated

    It doesn't matter if they masturbated

    They'll need to be reproved

    That's the trooooooof!

    Until then they're bird food to us.

    They need to get on the Watchtower bus.

    Does it not warm your heart?

  • 3Mozzies

    I'll sing that! Well done Sacolton :)


  • BorgHater

    Salcolton, that's so funny i love it You've inspired me to think of one:

    How Ungrateful it is to Complain

    The faithful slave are bringing us a food beyond compare

    We musn't show ingratitude by growing facial hair

    Or murmuring that armageddon isn't very near

    As good and faithful followers, we need to be in fear

    Oh how ungrateful it is to complain

    If we do we are sure to be slain

    Jehovah will show his distain

    So loyal and true we remaaaain

    BorgHater xx

  • cantleave

    Christian Examples

    Be urgent about your business

    When doing Jeehobah's work

    Remember as an unpaid witness

    From your duties you will not shirk

    If your feeling depressed, dowhearted

    Because your brothers their love don't display

    Remember Rutherford's example

    Get in in your Caddy build a mansion and play

  • exwhyzee

    Ignore the doctrine changes and mistakes the "Chosen" make. because they've been so wrong, don't think that they are fake. Just eat the golden droppings, from the Slave Class as they fall, never question dates and prophecys accept them one and all. The years will go by swiftly, you'll marvel how they've flown. So many dates and doctrines and truths that you were shown. Will change or be deleted and to the wayside thrown. Old friends and family members who don't accept what they've been shown, have let independent thinking, leave off the things they've known. These ones, you must avoid them, their point you must not see, cut them off like branches from some diseased and dying tree. You might feel that you have wasted the time you've had while here, fearing throughout your youth and childhood, Armegeddons drawing near. These thoughts they are form Satan, from where else could they come, you don't know what is best for you, and from us do not run. Follow our simple program nod your head and just agree, and in no time at all, you'll be righteous just like me.

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