Hey Zid, let me know if you find all those coc books, Ill go with you, it will be like old times.
Jehovah's Witness deal riles Aurora neighbors
by LisaRose 25 Replies latest jw friends
I've been here in Colorado 10 years and never had a JW come to my door, even though I work from home. Once I had a tract left, but that's about it. It's been kind of nice, actually. I've had more visits from the Mormons.
Maybe the'd like a Mosque better?
If it's like the new mosque here in my area, nobody is ever there and there is an 8' chain link fence around it and when people are there a police car is parked out front for some reason.
Probably would be a better fit.
My daughter lives in Aurora,,she belongs to a community that shares an outdoor pool and it is heated even during the summer as the nights cool down quite a bit.
She said there is a very strong LDS and Catholic community in that area. The proposed JW AH site is 5 mi east of her house according to Mapquest.
"Maybe the'd like a Mosque better? ..."
NAOUW, they want a PARK and a SWIMMING POOL!!! That would be MUCH more fun than being hammered every Sunday by some nitwit JW out trying to make up their time....
I like the poster's suggestion, who said the Watchtower Society should PAY FOR a park and pool, just to appease the irate neighbors...
Little Bird, I don't have the funds to purchase that many copies of "Crisis of Conscience", but I am seriously considering a trip over there with the one copy I can spare... Pass it on to one of the neighbors; have them pass it on to the next neighbor, and so on...
Maybe with highlighted passages... You know, like they used to make us do for the Watchtower study...