The most important and propagating aspect of the WTS. is illusion, the illusion being of
course is that their faith is the one religious organization that is being solely guided and served by god's holy spirit.
As in just about every religion, there is a established business structure at its center core.
In a attempt to secure this business structure from collapsing these organizations like the WTS/JWS implement
precautionary protection polices. The process of drawing people to the organization and keeping them supporting it through door
to door publishing and other financial donations is a key to its survival.
Part of the strict regulatory controls created by the WTS. but handled by the Sargent of Arms (Elders) was too overly played out
and heavy handed for many to accept. One way to look at WTS. is that they established their own self devised kingdom where they
created the rules and laws of this kingdom and issued these laws as if empowered by god himself to do so.
This all empowering aspect of the WTS kingdom has been wrought full of corruption in doctrines, exploitation, apathetic self arrogance
in its devised law giving. So whats the WTS got to be so paranoid about then ?
Plenty, there is much to lose in concerning the WTS. leaders, one being their own self devise credibility, their obtained power,
the financial support by the followers among the most important. Yes there is something to be paranoid about if this religious publishing
company can keep itself afloat and in continued operation.