Why a Movement to Stop Jehovah's Witnesses Doesn't Make Sense

by AllTimeJeff 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • AllTimeJeff

    Frequently, I see angry departing JW's want to stop someone from going through the experience they have had. People dying because of their horrible and contradictory blood doctrines, the protection of child molesters in their midst, who wouldn't want to destroy all of that.

    The reality though is pretty simple. As an organization, JW's are far from the only ones who systematically practice the use and abuse of people for their own groups benefits.

    Can you get rid of one? Can you get rid of all? No.

    At some point, the real "movement" is when an individual wakes up and realizes that they are indeed, an individual. The only movement is for people to think for themselves and discover themselves, and then do what they must.

    At what point does it start and stop? Do we go after political parties? Your company that you work for? The risks of joining any group, organization, or movement, cult or not, is the risk of losing yourself to the identity of the group.

    Sadly, there are many weak minded people who let that happen. Most actually like it. They are the ones who stay.

    The decline of JW's was/is inevitable. For what this is worth, other then the influence of a small few (Ray Franz especially), the leadership does it to themselves. In the end truth, real truth, wins out. The GB has lied, and continues to lie. They can't cover their tracks now. In their infinite wisdom, (sarcasm there) they put out tens of thousands of CD-Roms with their own lies. Anyone can get that information.

    They do it to themselves, because this group was founded on lies, grew on lies, and must now suck their own carbon dioxide with their last staggering breaths.

  • leavingwt

    Good morning ATJ..

    A movement to stop the JW`s is impossible..

    There are no "Laws against Stupid"..

    If there was a "Law against Stupid" it would be impossible to enforce..

    It would be a "Stupid Law"..

    As long as "Stupid People" are in Groups..

    We know were most of the "Stupid People" are and we can Avoid them..

    The WBT$ is doing Normal People a Service..

    85.gif picture by GeneralWaco

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • wasblind

    I don't consider myself in a group or a movement

    just one person out to make a difference in the

    next JW's life who come a knockin' at my door

    I just hope they can stomach the real truth about the " TROOF"

  • Joshinaz

    I got out and I have stopped the lifestyle and agony the Jehovahs Witnesses bring on thier family. Now I can pass on a normal lifestyle to my wife and son. Like the Elton John song goes, "How wonderful life is, when your in the world."

  • designs

    The best revenge, if you need revenge, is a good life filled with helping others locally and globally. The nice discovery about the new life is that its goodness rapidly heals the old wounds we had and you begin to pursue new ventures for their own merit.

  • zarco

    I agree that that crumbling of the WTS is when individuals think for themselves and decide to act like an individual and a full attack-based program will never work against the JWs - they would think it was Satan and rally the troops. One organized movement that does bring down organizations and political parties is the access to free and open information. This is where an organized approach makes sense. The press and informal press (internet and blogs) is a powerful organized force. I think we may see the Witnesses crumble in Western Europe in our lifetime. As you note, the leadership is its own worst enemy and freedom of information about their evil nature and decisions will hasten the fall.


  • thetrueone

    Good point AlltimeJeff

    The reality is the WTS are the orchestraters of their own demise.

    The WTS's purported Truth were all calculated lies supporting themselves.

    A falsely devise publishing kingdom built from people's insecurities and ignorances.

    The ideological symbolism of the Watchtower is starting to crumble and fracture, stand clear folks !

  • designs

    Its like the fall of Marxist Communism, the internals brought it down.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    So true. They are responsible for each and every person leaving the organization. They are responsible for shooting their mouths off about people "murmuring like the Israelites" which leads to more people waking up and leaving.

    Our part is to help those who come here wondering where to start picking up the pieces of their lives.

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