But isn't the Job verse about birthdays refuted somewhere in the WTS publications to mean something other than birthdays due to the Hebrew words used?
Birthdays - most logical explanation...
by bottleofwater 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Cold Steel
I think the JW position should be that if we're going to kill people and commit atrocities, that we should do it on days other than our birthdays.
Sometimes the so-called "pagan orign" is not problem for the Watchtower: wedding anniversaries, wedding rings, ties...
Lily Pie
So on topic for me. Why do I have a $100 gift in celebration for my wedding anniversary (this week). But no one comes to my Children's Birthday Party. I had an argument about this earlier this year, my message didn't sink in - clearly. No Bday to Anniversary is my motto. So hypocritical - bless them - they can't see it. I suppose it's a blessing, Cognitive Dissonance gives them Peace.
If Birthdays are actually pagan - I'm pretty sure Wedding Aniversaries are too. Actually anything anniversary related is pagan. The cross is pagan too - I suppose - maybe - oh my goodness this is just a hunch - the cross is the crudest drawing ever in the world - so its not surprising its been used before in other religions. Agh I HATE the pagan excuse. It's disgraceful. It's simply speculation with not fact attached to it at all!!!! Boycotting Xmas - Okay I get it - but Birthdays... C'mon ....
The thing that annoys me most about THIS one! is that this is the requirement that JW's are most likely to flout privately - but then go all out defending the WT postion. Examples of flouting privately --- hmm -- most commonly ---- participating in Work related Birthday celebrations while enforcing their children not to go to Bday Party's. It just looks bad.... And makes me angry! Can you tell?
BTW I'll continue to receive these Anniversary gifts - just to give satisfaction and joy to someone..... who really thinks its a nice thing they are doing....
Joey Jo-Jo
birthdays are fine but blowing out candels to make a wish is satanic.
Yes, the WT printed an article (questions from readers) many years ago discussing Job's children's non-celebration of birthdays. They updated that again in the last 10 years - which was basically a summarized reprint of the original article. I don't have my cd on me so I can't print the references. Sorry.
Basically, the WTS says that the Hebrew language has two words: one for Day and one for Birthday.
This is true. However, what the WTS doesn't tell you is that further in the book of Job the same word (for day) is used to mean 'day of birth'. So at best there is no conclusive evidence either way. Did the kids celebrate their birthdays? Did they celebrate the harvest?
The way I see it, the book of job either talks about birthday celebrations or thanksgiving. I win either way.
There are much more detailed threads on this subject.
Oh yeah there is also the WTS use of the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume X page 709 where it quotes Origen and his Homilies on Leviticus. (The WTS also directly quotes from Origen in the latest YPA book when discussing birthdays).
Also, the WTS uses historian August Neander's book "The History of the Christian Religion and Church, During he Three First Centrues" 1848, page 90.
The more detailed threads on this board I am sure discuss both of these points. I only mention them so you can research and be ready if the subject comes up.
....blood is holy?
If you consider that as a principle, then no blood transfusion is just a result of that principle.
That epitomizes the inherent flaw in JW thinking.
The ONLY thing that can contravene a direct command from God would be another direct command from God.
Human conjecture and speculation on what God might want (But never actually said) doesn't carry that kind of weight.
That's why Uzzah was struck dead. That's why Saul lost hereditary right to the kingship. Both of these men thought that they could break one of Jehovah's commandments based on what they personally surmised that He would want at the moment.
When it comes to transfusion, Jehovah has told you in plain and simple, black and white, crystal clear, plain and unambiguous terms that you cannot directly or indirectly cause the death of an innocent human being.
If a doctor says that a child or an aged parent or an adult of diminshed responsibility for whom you are responsible will die without a blood-based thearapy, then God's requirement to preserve life would clearly take precedence over human speculation.
This simple fact is beyond the grasp of Jehovah's Witnesses. They see nothing wrong with elevating human speculation to the same level as Divine Law.
What is especially ironic is that Jehovah's Witnesses like most fundamentalist Christian groups never seem to get tired of making fun of the Jews, the Oral Law and Rabbinical interpretation in Jesus' day.
But even the Pharisees understood that the purpose of Rabbinical interpretation was to resolve a conflict between two of God's commandments. It was not to artificially create a conflict where none existed.
Yet that is exactly what Jehovah's Witnesses do. The teaching on blood is far, far beyond anything the Pharisees ever came up with.
There is NO reason why people should NOT celebrate the Day God gave them a child and there is no reason why we shouldn't celebrate the day God breathed our spirit into us.
Thank you TD. Unfortunately, JWs can't recognize human speculation/opinion when it is right in front of their nose. The WT has managed to elevate their written opinions to a level just one step below Divine inspiration. JWs never ask for factual proof when these human opinions are given to them as "meat in due season".
isn't there like a verse somewhere that makes mention that blood is holy?
If blood is Holy, then even a small portion of blood poured on the ground would be holy. It also follows that a small portion of blood = a fraction of blood, so blood fractions are holy, too!! When JWs take blood fractions into their body, they are going against that "blood is holy" WT dogma that you were taught in Pioneer school!