No actually Moses did not have it. He was the one who ordered the massacre of tens of thousands of babies in my OP
I have to say that if you are going by the written account, dear Cofty (peace to you!), which is accurate, at least as far as to the event itself, your opinion is inaccurate, unfortunately. First, not only did Moses not order any massacre, but (1) he pled on behalf of the Egyptians, (2) no Israelite lifted a hand against any Egyptian, and (3) there was no massacre, per se. What occurred was more like a plague, a "silent" death (versus a massacre that involves carnage and spilling of blood). No one was bodily harmed... and no blood was spilled, other than that of the lambs whose blood was used for the doorposts.
What DID occur is that, after entreating Pharaoh many times to allow Israel leave to conduct a "revival" out in the wilderness... for which Pharaoh hemmed, hawed, questioned, gave in, then returned to his old ways... the Most Holy One of Israel simply let loose the Destroyer, the spirit of Death. The one whose is called "Abbadon/Apollyon." And that one simply went through the land and inhaled. Those households that were not "protected" by lamb's blood onthe doorpost suffered the loss of its firstborns... those of the household as well as of the livestock... by means of such firstborn ones' breath being taken. The firstborn, however, was not tens of thousands of babies. To the contrary, most were adults. The word "firstborn" doesn't mean the first baby... but the eldest of the household... including old ones. Tens of thousands died because tens of thousands of Egyptians were "firstborns"... regardless of their age... or sex.
Once you know the truth, it will set you free.
This is actually an inaccurate and dangerously misleading statement, dear ProdSon (peace to you!), as you have stated it here, unless you are referring to the One who IS the Truth, Christ, who MADE the statement, but did so as follows:
“If YOU remain in my word, YOU are really my disciples, and YOU will know the truth, and the truth will set YOU free.” They replied to him: “We are Abraham’s offspring and never have we been slaves to anybody. How is it you say, ‘YOU will become free’?” [Jesus] answered them: “Most truly I say to YOU, Every doer of sin is a slave of sin. Moreover, the slave does not remain in the household forever; the son remains forever. Therefore if the Son sets YOU free, YOU will be actually free.” John 8:32-36
"I am... the truth..." John 14:6
You're not going to find it in the pages of any book. If you want to learn for yourself what was said or not said, what is true and what isn't, first get all the data together that you can find, apply logic, then meditate diligently, then apply some more logic....keep seeking, knocking and asking....find that little voice within, and trust your intuition.
Or... one can simply go to... ask... listen to... and the put faith in the answer one receives from... Christ.
Take a course in astral projection, learn to wake up in a dream, and
I'm not sure either of those are necessary...
go ask [Jesus] for yourself,
or whoever else you want to find up there.
Ummm... I personally wouldn't recommend that as, while it can be done, it really can be quite dangerous for the one so asking...
Paul did it on the road to Damascus, and in his "third heaven" excursion.
Sorry, dear one, but that wasn't exactly what occurred with Paul (i.e., he didn't ask... but was addressed), and it wasn't Paul who visited the third heaven. That was the John that received the Revelation. Indeed, this "visit" is part of the Revelation (... "write what you saw...").
Until we experience self-realization, we are merely projecting our opinions onto others, no matter how much "proof" we might have for our beliefs.
I do agree with this statement, to a great degree... but will add, that until we come to know Christ (not know of, but know... starting with having personally met) so that one CAN experience "self-realization", which one does by having one's "self" REVEALED... by looking into the "mirror" that is Christ, the One who not only reflects God... but us, so that we can "see" ourselves... and our own "nakedness"...
If Jesus really said "no one comes to the Father except through ME", and he really meant his individual self, then he condemned most of the world, all his teachings of Oneness are false and he was a liar.
This statement is false as to my Lord, dear one, as he really did mean his individual self... through him. The Door. The Narrow Gate. True, one CAN climb up some other way/place... but he did mean himself. And it's easy to understand just what he meant if one understands the relationship between Joseph... and Pharaoh. For example, one hungering for grain during Egypt's great famine might find oneself at the doorstep of Pharaoh's palace... or one of Pharaoh's great grain houses. However, in order to get IN and/or have access to such grain... indeed, in order to even receive a measure for himself and/or his household... such one had to go THROUGH Joseph. Not literally through Joseph's body... but through Joseph as the one in charge, the one with authority, the one who DISPENSED such grain. Individually. Even though the grain... and storehouses... belonged to Pharaoh. Because Pharaoh himself PUT Joseph in charge, GAVE him that authority, and sent a decree out into the land that if someone wanted something from HIM (Pharaoh), it was to... and through... Joseph that such one had to go.
It is the same here: if you want to enter into the house of God, into the dwelling place of the Most Holy [One of Israel]... indeed, into the Most Holy itself... and before the face of the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... you must enter THROUGH... the Door, Gate... Curtain... that is the Holy [One of Israel], His Son and Christ, the Holy Spirit... JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH.
I don't think [Jesus] ever lied. But yes the scribes did.
He didn't lie... and they did. Some will argue this, but the truth is that a lie is something born of deceit... and the desire to deceive... for a selfish and harmful purpose (which is what the scribes did and so their works were condemned, and why the Adversary is referred to as "the father of the lie"). On the other hand, one can say something to one but something else to another (which is what Abraham did when stating Sarai was his sister)... or say one thing and do another (which is what my Lord did when telling his disciples he was not going up to the temple, but discreetly did so after they left him)... if it is for a good purpose, say, saving a life. For an unselfish... and loving... purpose. Why is this okay? Because such acts would be out of love... and there is no law against love. Love... is the Law's fulfillment.
If he meant the Christ energy that he incarnated within himself, which we all have inside of us with the potential to be awakened, then every religion and every culture has its Christ, its savior energy which comes into their temple bodies through the SUN of God, and that is the only way any of it makes sense.
Ahhhh, my Lord has helped me to see what you mean, yes. And, ummmm... no. Well, not quite. The word of my Lord to me on this matter is that the "Christ energy" you are referring to is the "light." That "light", however, is not incarnate within my Lord: he IS that light... which has the POTENTIAL to be in all of us, true... but only if we are "clean"... on the inside. If we have cleansed the inside of the "cup" that is the vessel/body... temple. Not the literal organs... but the spiritual organs: starting with the "heart."
He also stated that while indeed every religion and every culture ATTEMPTS to capture that "light"... they all fall short. Because they are not attempting to capture HIM... but some other "source" of light (originating in their own beliefs... including about him but are not accurate because they are not FROM him... or that of their religions and/or cultures... or even other spirits).
But he is the only TRUE Light... and unless and until they take HIM into their bodies/vessels/temples... their light is lacking. Indeed, it is dark. And for this reason they know all manner of quasi-, pseudo-, and other partial truths... but do not know HIM... THE Truth. The SON of God... who is the True Light... or "Sun" of God.
They don't know HIM... because he does not reside IN them. He does not so reside... because either (1) their temples are not clean inside (and neither the Most Holy nor the Holy One can reside in an unclean temple); and/or (2) they do not take him into their temples... by consuming him... literally... as their "food" and "drink". They do not live... by means of him... the Word... "that comes forth from God."
You have to build a solar body and this is the secret teaching of Christianity and every other major religion.
I understand what you're saying... as it relates to your ideas, above... but not sure how you propose one can "build" such a body (if indeed one can). With regard to Christ, however, one "builds" such a body starting first... with cleansing the inside. Which involved removing all of the "dead mens' bones" that are "buried" there.
We are all connected, that's the key to understanding the Bible. No one is an entity unto himself, disconnected from the rest. That's the big illusion. That's why my favorite chapter in the whole Bible is John 17.
This is absolutely true of the Body of Christ, so that when one members rejoices all of the other members rejoice... and when one members feels pain/mourns, the entire Body feels pain/mourns. However, we are not "all" members of the Body of Christ. That Body is limited to those who are the "children" of God... by means of a fertilization and adoption by holy spirit. They do not include, then, those who manifest themselves as the "children" of the Devil... which manifestation is evidenced by their hatred, particularly of their "brother."
Without the Lord God himself telling us which parts are false and which parts ain't, it's just shooting in the dark to determine it.
The Most Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH... of Armies... does tell us Himself: by means of His Word... the One He told Israel to listen to, His Son and Christ, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, who is the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit. That One is alive... and speaks... and so all one has to do is ask him. As the Holy Spirit of God, HE can and WILL lead whoever puts faith in his word... into ALL truth. Including about what is written... including in the Bible.
Peace to you all!
A slave of Christ,