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So a little background I am not dissfellowshiped and my sister stayed in for awhile though so she's treated like she is!
This is the most disturbing conversation I have ever had with my mother and for the first time I see clearly how deep the control on my mothers mind is!
Mum and I got talking about disfellowshiped people here's how the conversation went...
Me: Mum think for a minute don't you think completely shunning you own child for breaking a rule that isn't even in the bible is a bit harsh
Her: well let me put it this way we you still associate with someone you found out was a paedophile?
Me: No but shunning someone because they want a career and a boyfriend and friends is ALLOT different than paedophilia!
Her: not to Jehovah. if they've turned their back on god their no better.
at which point I had my very epiphany and shut up.
Is it bad I feel sorry for my mother?