My JW mothers opinion of disfellowshiped people!

by LucyA 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LucyA

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    So a little background I am not dissfellowshiped and my sister stayed in for awhile though so she's treated like she is!

    This is the most disturbing conversation I have ever had with my mother and for the first time I see clearly how deep the control on my mothers mind is!

    Mum and I got talking about disfellowshiped people here's how the conversation went...

    Me: Mum think for a minute don't you think completely shunning you own child for breaking a rule that isn't even in the bible is a bit harsh

    Her: well let me put it this way we you still associate with someone you found out was a paedophile?

    Me: No but shunning someone because they want a career and a boyfriend and friends is ALLOT different than paedophilia!

    Her: not to Jehovah. if they've turned their back on god their no better.

    at which point I had my very epiphany and shut up.

    Is it bad I feel sorry for my mother?

  • agonus

    Not at all. People who actually think that way are to be pitied.

  • garyneal

    In other words, big sins are the same as little sins to God. Leaving aside for the moment that having a career, a boyfriend, and friends are not defined as a sin in any book I've read, doesn't God also forgive all sins? Aren't we suppose to forgive for if we do not forgive, how can we expect God to forgive us?

    What kind of sins has your mother committed that require forgiveness from Jehovah?

  • moshe

    JWs are jerks- shunning a close family member gives them an extra loyalty bonus in the KH. Of course, they are scumbags to the general public's eyes, but JWs don't care about that unless they PERSONALLY get embarassed in public over their shunning.

  • In

    Your not alone. My mother acts and talks the same way.

    It kinda terrifies me.

  • Scully

    I would like to tell people who talk that way:

    Just who the f*ck do you think you are, judging someone based on YOUR opinion alone that they have "left god"?? F*ck you!! It's between god and that person, and none of your f*cking business.

  • Ding


    It IS scary when you see it for the mind control cult it is and your friends and loved ones smile and agree with it all.

  • Bitch on Parade
    Bitch on Parade

    Her answer is so straight from the books/talks/demonstrations it's terrifying.

  • jwfacts

    Once you stop the weekly indoctrination sessions listening to a JW is a very sad experience. They are to be pitied. At least your feeling are of sorrow. My feelings are far stronger, as I feel shame and anger that my family allowed themselves to become so ignorant.

  • jamiebowers

    Funny she used paedophilia as an excuse, being that the Watchtower is known worldwide for its affinity of such.

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