For OUTLAW: About The Extra Dollar

by Farkel 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    I just noticed a thread about the 3 guys, the hotel and the missing dollar, and no one offered the correct solution as to why it could not be accounted for, so it is incumbent upon me to do so. It was posted that the clerk told the three guys they could get a room for 30 dollars a night. They each gave him 10 dollars. As they were going to their room, the clerk remembered that there was a special price of only 25 dollars per night, so he gave 5 one-dollar bills to the bellhop and told him to refund it to the guys. The bellhop reasoned that he could lie to them about the discount by giving them 3 dollars and keeping 2 for himself.

    This means each guy only paid 9 dollars for the room which is 27 dollars. The bellhop kept 2 dollars and that only adds up to 29 dollars. Where is the other dollar?

    No one knew to explain that the other dollar didn't reappear until later that night when 2 other guys came to rent a room and paid 15 dollars each for it, since they were told it was 30 dollars for the night. The idiot clerk made the same mistake and again gave the bellhop 5 dollars to refund to them. This time the bellhop kept 3 dollars and gave the two guys a dollar each. So each guy only paid 14 dollars or 28 dollars total, and the bellhop kept three dollars, which adds up to 31 dollars.

    THAT's what happened to the other dollar, you nitwits!



    Hey Farkel..

    You got me laughing Bud!..


    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    OMG My 2 fav posters on the same thread - I'm in poster heaven

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    OMG! My 3 favorite posters! Catch me Jesus!

  • wasblind

    Oops, Did I just walk in on a Menage-a-trois ?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    OMG! My 5 favorite posters!

  • VampireDCLXV
    Oops, Did I just walk in on a Menage-a-trois ?


    Sorry to interrupt another favourites party...


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    aw come on vamp You can join the party

  • wasblind

    LOL Lady Lee

  • JeffT

    You guys forgot the obvious end to all these stories.

    The IRS audited the books, then audited the returns of the people involved. Since nobody could give an intellient explanation of where the money was they charged all eight people involved (night manager, bellhop, five guests and the owner, who knew nothing about any of it) a total of $137,845.19 in penalties and interest.

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