I'm coming out

by MsDucky 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hopscotch

    MsD I'm sorry to hear of your diagnosis and am sending you thoughts of comfort, healing and hope.


  • bohm

    Oh no! I wish you a speedy recovery. you are in my thoughts.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    That sucks big time...

    My mum survived it now going on 30 years cancer free.

    I wish you the same


  • Sapphy

    I'm sorry to read that. Good thoughts headed your way - and best wishes for a full and complete recovery.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Healing thoughts are on their way.



    Very sorry to hear. This must be a big shock. This is your time to rely on the people around you. If you feel you want to then please share the highs and lows with us (you can expect a certain amount of debate and fun in response).


    Also Podo - best wishes to you too. I don't send flowers to blokes so you can have a football instead

  • designs
  • littlebird

    Oh Miss Ducky, Im sorry to hear this. You been to hell and back more than once, you can do this. Keep positive!

  • chickpea

    believing that "thoughts are things"
    mine are directed toward your
    recovery and healing

  • MsDucky

    Thanks to everyone for your kind words and well wishes. I am hoping for the best. I'll let you know more as this plays out.

    Leolaia, my sister is not doing well. She first got breast cancer when she was 50. She had a radical mastectomy and had to have chemo. The cancer came back in her remaining breast a few years later; so she had another radical mastectomy. The cancer spread into her cervical lymph nodes and now it's in her lungs. She has to go in to the hospital every month to get fluid drained from her lungs(pleural effusions). The chemo regimen that she was on stopped working; the radiation treatment didn't work either. They are trying stronger chemo drugs on her. She says that the treatment is the worse ever, that it makes her really ill. She is tired of all of the treatments and says that she's ready to go.

    She has made it clear that she doesn't want anykind of life-support or heroic efforts made when that time comes. I told her I'd stand by her wishes.

    This is not the first of my sisters to have breast cancer. One had it in her early 40's. She had a lumpectomy about 17 years ago. She seems to be stable, no recurrence of cancer.

    Since so many of the girls in the family have had cancer, I'm getting the BRCA gene testing done. I need to see if this will be something that my daughters will have to worry about. I have, also, opted for a double mastectomy because of what happened to my sister.

    Side note: It feels weird sneaking on the computer. I never thought that I'd do that. I should stick to my guns about being an apostate; and not worry about upsetting the twins. I now know how a lot of you undercover posters feel now.

    I'll try to keep everyone updated just for educational value if nothing else!

    (((hugs to all)))

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