i am a full fledged member of the church of the kicked back
in that i dont feel any sort of urge or compulsion to have
affiliation, or faith for that matter....
i DO attend specific services if there is something esp
interesting being offered, esp musical guests....
i even attended a bible study course summer before last
as it was about the ecumenical effort for mainline Xian
churches to become "Reconciled in Christ" (RIC) meaning
they welcome and affirm the queerness of LGBT.... i was
very upfront that my purpose in attending was to be able
to make the appropriate lingo-based response to those
individuals who sincerely are troubled by what they feel and
what they have been told the bible wants them to think....
not EVEN interested in engaging any of those over the top
crazy fringe nuts who stand around with signs saying
god hates fags
other than that.... no desire to "go" to church, temple yada