can i use a quote from shepherd the flock of god legally in a letter to my inlaws ?
by looloo 11 Replies latest jw friends
As I see it (I could be wrong here):
Yes you can, just like you can "quote" ANYTHING that is copyrighted. You are just "quoting".
If you were to place that quote in a book which you are going distribute or sell, then you would need permission from the copyright holder.
Be sure you use proper attribution; that you did not originate.
Under the "fair use" rule of copyright law, an author may make limited use of another author's work without asking permission. Fair use is based on the belief that the public is entitled to freely use portions of copyrighted materials for purposes of commentary and criticism. The fair use privilege is perhaps the most significant limitation on a copyright owner's exclusive rights. If you write or publish, you need a basic understanding of what is and is not fair use.
Uses That Are Generally Fair Uses
Subject to some general limitations discussed later in this article, the following types of uses are usually deemed fair uses:
- Criticism and comment -- for example, quoting or excerpting a work in a review or criticism for purposes of illustration or comment.
- News reporting -- for example, summarizing an address or article, with brief quotations, in a news report.
- Research and scholarship -- for example, quoting a short passage in a scholarly, scientific, or technical work for illustration or clarification of the author's observations.
- Nonprofit educational uses -- for example, photocopying of limited portions of written works by teachers for classroom use.
- Parody -- that is, a work that ridicules another, usually well-known, work by imitating it in a comic way.
If it goes against what they understand then they won't believe you, so I would suggest that you tell them they can confirm it with their elders. Remember though that they won't be able to discuss it with you if you are disfellowshiped/disassociated as it forbids 'spiritual' discussions.
This issue of copyright is dealt with in Lady Lee's thread. it matters not if you are making a profit, or distributing,even for free, if you quote verbatim you infringe copyright law unless you attribute the quote properly.
Why do you wish to overtly quote ?
If you wish to make a point why not say "I am sure the new Flock book must say something like....... " that way they cannot accuse you of getting information from apostate sources, the only way at present you could have got access to the book, unless you are a serving Elder.
Mad Sweeney
if you quote verbatim you infringe copyright law unless you attribute the quote properly
Does this mean that all those WT and Awake! articles where the Borg says "a prominent scientist/clergyman/politician in the United States said. . . " are copyright violations because they aren't attributing properly? Or is that enough of an attribution for fair use?
Fair use is broad, according to my understanding, and as long as you attribute it AT ALL and don't quote huge portions, you're fine. A few paragraphs or an entire subheading is absolutely fine.
Include a source page... ;P
cheers all x
Do people really think that the Watchtower is going to take a person to court for quoting part of their publication in a personal letter to a family member and not properly attributing the source material? Really?
Yan Bibiyan
Do people really think that the Watchtower is going to take a person to court for quoting part of their publication in a personal letter to a family member and not properly attributing the source material? Really?
Actually, that would be a great thing!
If the WT ever pulled that on me, I will countersue, subpoena the crap out of every secret piece of info they have and effectively make it a public record.
Would I have the financial stamina to do that, that's a different question