How I know JW's have the truth

by Honesty 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Honesty

    Jehovah's Witnesses are the true Christian congregation.
    I know they are because they tell the truth and their core doctrines have not ever changed:

    "Jehovah is the Grand identifier of his true messengers. He identifies them by making the messages he delivers through them come true. Jehovah is also the Great Exposer of false messengers."
    MAY 1, 1997 WATCHTOWER
    PAGE 8

    "Question. The fact that our Lord received worship is claimed by some to be an evidence that while on earth he was God the Father disguised in a body of flesh and not really a man. Was he really worshiped, or is the translation faulty? Answer. Yes, we believe our Lord Jesus while on earth was really worshiped, and properly so. It was proper for our Lord to receive worship in view of his having been the only begotten of the Father and his agent in the creation of all things, including man."
    JULY 15, 1898 WATCHTOWER
    PAGE 216

    Trinitarians who believe that Jesus is God, or at least the second person of the triune God, do not like to have Jehovah’s witnesses say that it is unscriptural for worshipers of the living and true God to render worship to the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
    PAGE 671

  • mrsjones5

    Jws claim to be the true Christian congregation but deny the divinity of Christ. Irony at best.

  • Ding

    "Is This Life All There Is?" (1974, p. 46):

    "It is obvious that the true God, who is himself `the God of truth,' and who hates lies, will not look with favor on persons who cling to organizations that teach falsehood. And, really, would you even want to be associated with a religion that had not been honest with you?"

    Watchtower, 5/15/1976, p. 298:

    "Christians cannot be vacillating -- `wishy-washy' -- about such fundamental teachings. What confidence can one put in the sincerity or judgment of such persons?"

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    "A truth presented by Satan himself is just as true as a truth stated by God."

    - Zion's Watch Tower Reprints, July 1879, page 8

  • Honesty

    Earlier today, I showed this to one of the zealous defenders of the Watchtower Society.

    He got mad and said I was nuts.

    Imagine that :)

  • thetrueone

    You'll never receive the truth from a maligning, deceiving, corrupt publishing company who they claim is under god's guidance.

    God is not in the Publishing business.

  • sabastious

    Interesting contradiction. They say their core doctrines have never changed, but yet they used to worship Jesus and now they don't, and consider it heresy.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    How we know for sure that Jesus returned in 1874:

    "It was in the year 1874, the date of our Lord's second presence that the first labor organization in the world was created. From that time forward, there has been a marvelous increase of light, and the inventions and discoveries have been too numerous for us to mention all of them here, but mention is made of some of those that have come to light since 1874, as further evidence of the Lord's presence since that date, as follows: Adding machines, aeroplanes, aluminum, antiseptic surgery, artificial dyes, automatic couplers, automobiles, barbed wire, bicycles, carborundum, cash registers, celluloid, correspondence schools, cream separators, Darkest Africa, disk plows, Divine Plan of the Ages, dynamite, electric railways, electric welding, escalators, fireless cookers, gas engines, harvesting machines, illuminating gas, induction motors, linotypes, match machines, monotypes, motion pictures, North Pole, Panama Canal, pasteurization, radium, railway signals, Roentgen Rays, shoe-sewing machines, skyscrapers, smokeless powder, South Pole, submarines, subways, talking machines, telephones, television, typewriters, vacuum cleaners, and wireless telegraphy." - "The Harp of God" pages 234, 235 (by WTS president Joseph Franklin Rutherford, published 1921)

    Note that this was published SEVEN YEARS AFTER 1914.

  • brotherdan

    Fred Franz himself proves to me that we have the truth. From the stinky mouth itself.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    "For instance, as we look back and note that the Scriptures marked 1873 as the end of six thousand years from Adam to the beginning of the seventh thousand, and the fall of 1874 as the beginning of the forty-year harvest of the Gospel age and day of wrath from the overthrow of all the institutions of ‘this present evil world (or order of affairs),’ we can see that facts have well borne out those predictions of Scripture."

    -- Zion's Watch Tower Reprints, July 15, 1894, p. 1675

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