Do YOU Stereotype People?

by minimus 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    I don't like men - particluarly Black men.


  • Markfromcali
    Asians ARE bad drivers, jus sayin'

    This is why we should have special reserved parking spaces, a tag with a big A on it. Also something like a carpool lane would increase safety for everyone, as it is we pack a ton of people in a van going to the restaurant every day.

  • mrsjones5

    Women are usually on my B-list of stereotypical bad drivers, particulary all black women, and young college aged white women.

    Misery, you missed a subgroup: Old women. This moring I saw an old woman make the ugliest left turn ever. Then going down the road she kept drifting into the lane to her right. Scary.

    I'm a very good driver myself. Have never been in an accident, I don't cut folks off or tailgate, and the last time I got a traffic ticket was over 25 years ago.

  • mamalove

    I think we sterotype because it has been parallel with some experience we have had in our lives.

  • VampireDCLXV

    The amount of stereotyping that already gone on here (in this thread) is hilarious.


  • sabastious
    The amount of stereotyping that already gone on here (in this thread) is hilarious.

    So you are saying "stereotypers" is a sterotype that is being demonstrated on this thread?


  • VampireDCLXV
    So you are saying "stereotypers" is a sterotype that is being demonstrated on this thread?

    That appears to be very much the case, no?
    I (wrongly) stereotyped you too...


  • sabastious
    I (wrongly) stereotyped you too...

    Maybe so, but at least I aint a sparkly vampire! (stereotype: all vampires are like the ones from Twilight).


  • VampireDCLXV
    stereotype: all vampires are like the ones from Twilight

    Yes, that IS a whopper of a stereotype. I do bloody well resent it!


  • donny

    Sometimes the stereotypes have some truth in their roots. I used to hear the jokes about Asian drivers but I never understood why they were singled out. Then several years ago I went to Taiwan for two weeks to visit my wifes family. What a nightmare it was trying to drive over there.

    1. Auto insurance is a rarity.

    2. There is no such thing as lane intergrity on the roads. You can be sitting at a red light on an 8 lane street (4 each way) and when the light turns green, someone in the far right lane will make a left hand turn across the 3 other lanes. People just honk and go on.

    3. Red light, what red light? One night my father-in-law was taking me on a cruise through downtown Taipei and when he would approach intersections that were controlled by a signal light, he would slow down on red lights and if there was no one coming, he would drive right through it.

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