Thing is, chickpea, for homeschooling to succeed one has to be both smart enough and educated enough to teach their kids.
Your average parent with a high school diploma in the USA isn't qualified to do that. Some are, but they are above average.
by eyesthatsee 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Thing is, chickpea, for homeschooling to succeed one has to be both smart enough and educated enough to teach their kids.
Your average parent with a high school diploma in the USA isn't qualified to do that. Some are, but they are above average.
but to my shame I had a part in this cult as an elder. How was that possible? What part of my brain did I lose to not see through this rubbish?
Have no fear hon.....there's plenty on here who feel the exact same way as you. It's called brainwashing and the WTS are experts at it. Someone else did a recent post about the 1-day ASSembly and their bitching about higher education---even more than usual. Probably because they know full well that if someone goes to university, the chances of them staying in the Borg is almost nil.
i knew several witless families that home-skooled their kids. those kids grew up to be practically illiterate adults. i saw the curriculum - it wasn't a bad one. the parents were too busy pio-sneering and el-duh'ing to help their kids get a decent education.
@chickpea: that's great that you are an exception to this! it's too bad that more parents to not take their responsibilities more seriously, as you did.
Bro Dan says:
" I think the most sad part of this is not the lack of financial security that people have after being in this organization. It is how this organization has DRIVEN people away from Jesus Christ. I think there are more atheist exJWs that in any other religion. I can't prove this with numbers. I'm just going off of experience... "
I agree with BD on that statement, the way I see it, Satan doesn't really care if you stay with his organization or not, his main goal is to pull you away from knowing about Jesus.
So many people have been hurt bad by this religion, so religion in general has left a bad taste in their mouths. And that I understand
The question I would ask of any home-schooler parent is what do you have by way of Physics equipment, Chemistry equipment, Biology equipment, Engineering equipment, Computing equipment, Sports equipment...? the list goes on and on.
Anyone can give a child a desk and a few text books, they will not get an education that way. Very few parents also have the skills and knowledge of such a broad curiculum beyond junior school level anyway.
There is also interaction with other children that is most important. Relating to children with different backgrounds, ethnic origin, religious views; this is all part of learning and growing up, it is also the part that these parents and the WTS dislike most of all.
that's why teachers have to go to college for awhile - to learn how to teach.
Four years full-time actually, cheerios
During his main talk, he praised a recent Bethel member who left his college (aka university) course early to pioneer and join Bethel.
That followed experiences from window cleaners, unemployed, parents home-schooling (aka child abuse - it is a basic human right to be educated) their kids and those baptised as children (youngest was 10).
The brainwashed dubs applauded every ruined life paraded on the platform.
It makes me sick to my stomach when they try to show "see YOU can be happy putting Jehovah first in your life. GIVE UP everything and make the sacrifices, Jehovah will bless you WHILE the WTS is worth billions. They continually want your $. Complete caca in my book and I refuse to clap for these brothers who are known for "twisting the truth" with the ones they interview. I know from experience and when the brother wanted me to "allude" something else I said "absolutely not, find someone else or go with what I intend on saying". of england asked: The question I would ask of any home-schooler parent is what do you have by way of Physics equipment, Chemistry equipment, Biology equipment, Engineering equipment, Computing equipment, Sports equipment...? the list goes on and on.
That's what's always bothered me about "home schooling" too, especially amongst JWs where virtually no women have any education beyond high school. When their kids are young, sure---you can teach them how to write, add, subtract, multiply and divide simple math equations, but what about when they get to say, grade 9 - 12? Teachers who teach at the schools have to have more than a high school education---they need at least a college degree in the subject on top of going to teachers' college (at least here they do).
How is a JW mother qualified or even capable of giving their child the same level of education if they have no real clue about the subject at hand? How many JWs do you know that know anything about Chemistry, Biology, Computer Programming, Sociology or even History (outside their own selective view of history)?
I know the Amish and Old Order Mennonites here in Ontario can legally drop out of school after Grade 8 and I believe the vast majority of them do. Higher education is just as much a threat to their cloistered religion as what it is to the WTS.
you can teach them how to write, add, subtract, multiply and divide simple math equations,
These skills are important for window cleaners, but not enough. They need to know how to calculate the average number of windows washed per hour, the number of days worked each week, taking into account rainy days when less work gets done. They need to be able to calculate their operating costs, taking into account vehicle expenses, as well as the cost of soap and squeegee rubbers. They need to understand how tax laws apply to them as well as economic trends which will affect the growth and sustainability of their business. They need to understand basic accounting, and how to deal with aging receivables. They need to know how to develop and maintain a business plan and marketing strategy. Most JWs I knew had no idea how to approach large corporate customers, and were stunned to see me growing my business in the middle of a recession.
Most JW window cleaners I knew failed in their window cleaning business within the first 2 years of operation.
In my opinion, a basic high school education isn't enough for anything anymore.
Thank God I graduated from high school before I met the witnesses. But that is where my education ended in the 70s.
Remember 1975? The end was coming!!!! Put all your trust in the organization and do and they tell you in order to survive the coming tribulation and armaggeddon!
Where was my brain?
I wish my parents had called in a cult interventionist.
Instead they just disinherited me.
There went any college future and and any future money from Dad.
Now I am almost 60 and have to work full time in stupid retail and hope they dont can this old lady.
I stayed in the borg for 35 years and have nothing to show for all those years of servitude.
My advice if you are in is to get education and tell the Watchtower to mind its own business when it comes to your education and career.
I am also against these holy rollers way of home schooling.
My wife barely has enough patience to help the children with homework (which I help 100% of the time due to this problem), imagine similiar people with no college or training putting their kids thru hell!
I bet all my income for a year, that these knumbskulls are blasting thru the curriculum in a 1hr. cycle............. and the rest is piosneering and doing the strut with their "friends"