In one of the new pieces of information in the new elders manual - Section 5:18 - it shows how elders are instructed to keep ALL judicial committee information private from media or attorneys. Keeping in mind how secretive the WT society has been in hiding child abuse within the Jehovah's Witnesses notice these instructions to elders now.
It states, " If a member of the media or an attorney representing the accused ( or possibly victims ) contacts the elders , they should NOT give him ANY information about the case or verify there is a JC. Rather, they should give the following explanation, " The spiritual and physical welfare of Jehovah's Witnesses is of paramount concern to the elders, who have been appointed to " shepherd the flock ". The elders extend this shepherding confidentially . Confidential shepherding makes it easier for those who seek the elders help to do so without worrying that what they say to the elders will be divulged later . Consequently , we DO NOT comment on whether elders are currently or have formerly met to assist any member of the congregation. If there is a need to do so, the elders may obtain the inquirer's name and phone number and inform him that THEIR attorney will contact him. The elders should then PROMPTLY telephone the branch office. " Can you say secretive closed society ? Which wants to keep eveything happening " in-house " ?
Problem is - The WT society feels they are above the laws of the land. They feel they don't have to answer to man-made laws requiring revealing of felony child abuses in their midst. But they are grossly mistaken. They DO have to answer to the laws of the United States of America if required by courts. A case in point was that of Gilbert Simental of Murietta , California - a then practicing Jehovah's Witness who in the Spring of 2008 was brought up on charges of molesting 2 Jehovah's Witness young girls. The elders in his congregation refused to go to court to testify about what was discussed at Simental's judicial committee meetings. Here is the link discussing Simental's case & the elders refusal to testify titled " Jehovah's Witnesses Elders Refusing to Testify in Molestation Case " :
As it turned out the courts in California FORCED the JW elders to testify in this case through a court order - in spite of WT attorneys fighting against it . Simental was found guilty and sentenced to 45 years to life in prison. In California there is NO clergy penitent law where confidentiality can be used by pastors or elders if dealing with felonious crimes needing to be criminally prosecuted . Access to child abuse information will be attained by prosecuting attorneys & court orders if necessary.
So - Do you hear that WT society ? You cannot hide criminal child abuse occuring within your ranks of members. If push comes to shove your organization will be pushed against the wall by man made courts requiring justice - a much higher standard than that you require of your own organization. You may attempt to hide it from your invisible God , your members & the media - but as Simental's case shows - the courts in America have more control and power than you do. Take it to heart - but I know you won't - reputation and outward appearance are more important to the WT society than justice.
As always- I welcome any & all comments from JWN members on this subject. Thanks and Peace out to all. Mr. Flipper