From the January 2011 Kool Aid Edition WT:
Paragraph 8: "Still, as a people,“the chosen ones” and their loyal companions will physically survive the end of apostate Christendom by taking refuge in Jehovah and his mountainlike organization."
Paragraph 9: "Christendom deserves the coming destruction for contributing to the spiritual illiteracy common among churchgoers and for its manifest hatred of God’s name."
Also Paragraph 9: "In the Middle Ages, God’s personal name was rather widely known in Europe. That name, represented by four Hebrew letters called the Tetragrammaton and commonly transliterated YHWH (or JHVH), appeared on coins, on facades of houses, in many books and Bibles, and even in some Catholic and Protestant churches. However, the trend in recent times is to eliminate the name of God from Bible translations and from other uses."
And the hate of the UN begins again:
Paragraph 19: "And no political state today, nor the United Nations organization, will fully solve mankind’s problems. So why should one regard political institutions and alliances as a refuge? The Bible prophetically calls them a “refuge of a lie.”
Let the fear mongering begin!
Paragraph 20: "Soon the figurative hailstorm of Jehovah’s day will strike the earth. Human schemes will not be able to provide protection; neither will nuclear shelters nor wealth."