conviction and not influenced by reason. Delusions
are less defined by whether the statement is true or
false than by the nature of the context and the
justification for the belief. Those with delusions
struggle to offer adequate reasons for the belief.
Additionally, many delusions have no content that
can be empirically verified. Current defining features
include the fact that the belief is not one usually
shared by others in one’s culture nor is it credible
when expressed as a value judgment, and that the
degree of conviction never changes. Associated
distress, preoccupation, and seemingly irrational
behaviors that are motivated by the logic of a
delusional mind are also aspects of the delusional
Early on and in subtle cases, the presence of
delusions may be difficult to identify. Their presence
may be suggested by behavioral changes: withdrawal,
guardedness, irritability, hostility, litigiousness, and