If only the new guidebook would enhance the teaching ability of the current brothers. . .but it won't. Talks continue to lull me zzzzz, and will probably always.
What is everyone's thoughts on the diminishing quality of our meetings? What is the cause? What might be the solution?
Nehemiah 8:8,9 shows that after a meaning was put into the law, and it was expounded, the people began to weep. Heck, you might wonder how the hell anyone would start sobbing over the dull, cut and dry Mosaic law, but I tell ya, them Levites were some good charismatic speakers. They charged the people, infused them with courage, brought them to a harsh realization of their shortcomings. They were a forceful inducement to make changes.
Well why should it be any different today? We have the complete scriptures filled with an enormous amount of information, and yet the talks are as dry as a desert. I think that brothers who have no feeling for the truth shouldn't be allowed on stage. If your talk is not fiery, throw it in the fire.