
by brotherdan 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • brotherdan

    I needed some help tonight, and you guys really came through. I got a call from Hadit, who is actually "Had It". I thought she was a cool Israelli! But she is just an amazing person!

    I am really shy about talking to people from the site. I have only talked to 3 people from here. One is Hadit. She was amazing and so understanding. I wish she would post on the site more.

    She is intelligent, thoughtful, sweet, and really easygoing.

    Thanks for helping me through a tough night, kiddo!

  • VampireDCLXV

    That's why I think of her as a friend. Hadit is the greatest. Love ya girl! Mwah!


    PS: Israeli? LOL! Try again...

  • serenitynow!


  • brotherdan

    I really wish I had the chance to talk to all of you. While I THOUGHT I didn't agree with her, she is so smart and made so much sense to me with how she views things.

    And I wrote off people for NOT being JWs? I wonder how many amazing people I missed out on... Probably people like Hadit, Vamp, and Serenitynow...

  • Hadit

    Thanks Dan – you are too kind and made me blush! I’m so glad we talked and that I was able to help. I loved that you thought I was from Israel “Hadeet.” I’m glad that we were able to have a laugh during such a stressful time. Edit to add: Not that Israeli is funny or anything just that my name reflects Had it - as in I've had it with the religion!

    Dan is sweet, easygoing and intelligent. He figured out I was Canadian within one sentence and I didn’t say eh!

    You take good care – I’m sending you hugs and we’ll talk soon. Yay to new friends!


    (Thanks V665!)

    I feel loved you guys! Love back

  • brotherdan

    Too bad the JW congo doesn't get to feel the love we have here on JWN...

    I actually feel bad for them (no sarcasm...)

  • Hadit

    While I THOUGHT I didn't agree with her, she is so smart and made so much sense to me with how she views things.

    Okay bro - be straight with me - do my posts sound dumb? Glad I was able to clear it up by talking to you! See - good thing you picked up the phone otherwise who knows how long you would think I was dumb!

    Some of them don't know what love is!! Too bad for them. They miss out!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    No They don't know what love it - not a clue which explains a lot about them

  • VampireDCLXV

    I never thought you were dumb, Hadit. You've written many intelligent and well thought out posts here. You're truly a treasure...


  • brotherdan



    Hadit just talked in a way that was so much higher than how I talk. She was sweet, INCREDIBLY intelligent, and down to earth. That isn't to say that I thought she wasn't before I talked to her. But talking to her made me think so HIGHLY of her. She is so nice and sweet...yet so smart. It's rare to find a 3 for 3.

    And I never thought your were dumb, Hadit!!!!!!!!!

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