Passing around the blood and bones of a dead gods son, under a full moon.
nb: blood will be represented by a cheap red wine, bones by home made crackers...
by stuckinarut2 80 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Passing around the blood and bones of a dead gods son, under a full moon.
nb: blood will be represented by a cheap red wine, bones by home made crackers...
To outsiders, the KHs without windows is really weird. This was the number one question that I get when people find out that I'm an XJW.
I never realized how bizarre it was until I left. I finally drove by a Hall years later and was startled by the lack of windows. There are even no windows in the doors! People must wonder what the hell goes on in there.
There are no other buildings without windows. Even big box stores have rows of glass doors to let some natural light in. I see the new KH designs have windows. Maybe they've learned their lesson about how cultish windowless brick boxes look.
Well 2 categories of wacky I think. there is old school turn of the century wacky.
Old School : Black people will get to be white in the new word (you know......perfect). The president of the society building a home in San Diego to winter in for his health without anyone seeming to have a problem with that. And the fact that many Jehovah's witnesses don't care about these things because you know......its not like we believe that NOW.
New School : The wackiness is much more nuanced....and dangerous. Convincing a mother that it is actually in her child's best interest for her to withdrawn her parental affection and nurturing, so as to make them feel "loss" and they can return to their religion. That s a great one.
Convincing everyone that a God seemingly obsessed with blood in a variety of forms, wants them to not use blood medically, except sometimes when its almost blood anymore kinda, but still you shouldn't take blood because its like eating it, even though the context of scripture none of hat even applies, sure people have died but they are alive to Jehovah blah blah blah.
Just wacky. Yes a short time ago for was gospel.
I've heard from multiple sources that a large and growing number of "still-in" (or at least still attending) JWs are outraged at the recent Caleb and Sophia video with the message: Pay attention at meetings or God will have to kill you!
As they should ....
To outsiders, the KHs without windows is really weird. This was the number one question that I get when people find out that I'm an XJW.
Question: Why Don`t Kingdom Halls Have Windows?..
Answer: So Nobody Jumps!
.................................You People Are All Friggin Crazy!..
......................................I CAN`T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!..
The New System doctrine. Everyone who is rewarded with the earthly afterlife will get the privilege of burying all the adults, children, infants and pets who did not worship jehoopla, even if they didn't know they were supposed to. The remaining animals will live with us like it's a giant petting zoo. The chosen will be given dead people's mansions. They will freeze at age 25. Some zombies will return and gradually be healed of their ailments, but they will be asexual and celibate. Everyone will become Caucasian.
After 1000 years the biggest supernatural evil dude will be let loose with his minions to lay the smackdown again, to be followed by some people again sinning and being killed, and jehooplajesus vanquishing him. Lather, rinse, repeat, earth becomes cleansed again, burying jobs, etc.
Well put Rebel8!
excellent summary of the org!
stuckinarut2 - "In a nutshell, what is the wackiest JW thing?"
I thought they'd finally jumped the shark with the one-two punch of Sparlock and the Deafsterbation video, but I was very, very wrong.
IMO, JWTV is now, hands down, the weirdest f**king thing they've ever done.
I think that you all need to learn what JWs believe before you criticize.
One said: "They believe people like Pol Pot, Jack the Ripper, Ghenghis Kahn, and other monsters from history will be resurrected"
Not true. Jws don't believe that. Some may take 'resurrection of the unrighteous' to that extreme but it does not mean that it will happen.
Finkelstein said 'Answer = That Jesus Christ returned to earth invisibly, first in 1874 then in 1914.'
JWs don't believe that. They don't believe that he returned to the earth. They believe he became king then and that he will always be invisible as he is spirit.
They believe he became king then and that he will always be invisible as he is spirit.
But the bible says that his return to earth will be a physical and viewable presence and the JWS are backing a date they have made on their own which Jesus himself admonished his true followers to not do, in that no one knows of the time not even himself and he admonished anyone to set a time on god's own sacred time.
So that leaves making up a time/date unscriptural and against Jesus's own direction.
Oh Oh that means you better toss out any literature made by the disobedient Watchtower Corporation evil, made by false prophets.