A new low in public shaming (and groveling)

by Captain Schmideo2 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Captain Schmideo2
    Captain Schmideo2

    A local elderette at my former hall (the same type person who posts selfies while out in "service") posted this public admonishment. The responses are so pathetic. These are all adults, but they still act like scared children:

    hall just posted this last night.

  • sir82
    I can easily think of several dozen, if not several hundred, JWs who would write something as passive-aggressive as the opening post above.
  • One Last Kiss
    One Last Kiss
    Haha, ain't nobody can make excuses like a JW xD
  • hoser

    Sounds like she trying to shame people for not showing up to clean the hall. It won't work because when next years memorial rolls around ( unless this year is the last) people will have forgotten about the guilt.

  • cappytan
    Wish that was a public post so I could troll. :(
  • Oubliette
    I was there helping out, ... invisibly! Just like Jesus.
  • _Morpheus
    Rotfl i LOVE the responses! So passive agressive, so "i dont really give a damn". And only two people bothered to respond at all. Apathy at its finest
  • freemindfade

    I liked it before the Jehovah's Witnesses became jw.org and they were told social media was the devil! Then you didn't have to deal with these @$$holes talking like this.

    I remember I have always had myspace, then facebook, then instagram... some of my family criticized me and other family to no end for having such things when they denounced them at the district convention.

    Now they all have them even their little kids exploiting them to no end. wish we could go back lol.

  • blondie
    I'm glad I got out before the flood of social media devices in the hands of jws. I thought it bad enough that a pioneer sister spent all her time setting up return visits on her phone. No one else could even talk or hear themselves think. At least she wasn't driving.
  • NewYork44M

    Man, what a judgmental Bit#$

    How many people do you need to clean the hall? Nine sounds pretty good. So if the Spanish did almost all - what did these 9 people do other than criticize the ones that did not come?

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