Bible written for the anointed....
by Momma-Tossed-Me 24 Replies latest jw friends
My response to that claim would be "Well, then, I guess I don't need to follow anything it has to say."
There was a Watchtower sometime since August 2009 ( I know that's really specific, sorry, bad memory) that clarifies that the great crowd can enjoy the benefits and assocation with the annointed.
The great crowd doesn't have a mediator since they're not apart of the new Jerusalem and new covenant... which makes no sense.
The GB is essentially throwing in for Calvin's Limited Attonement and declaring they know the specific number of the elect!
It's BS, through and through.
"Well, then, I guess I don't need to follow anything it has to say."
Not if one truly is in the New Covenant, dear Scully (peace to you!), by means of the blood of Christ, which blood ratifies the Covenant. For such one would have the Law written on his/her HEART... and so would not even need to look to what is written on pages in delible ink. Not for themselves, at least.
Unfortunately, unbelievers (i.e., those who walk by sight and not by faith)... DO still need to SEE things... in [some kind of] writing. Since those in the Bible have been tampered with, however, it really is a bit of a crap shoot as to what IS true and accurate in them... and what isn't.
Unless... one is led by the Holy Spirit... which One leads those who walk by faith... into ALL truth. Including as to what is written... in ink. I say "ink" because folks forget: there were only TEN laws written on stone.
Again, peace to you!
Your servant and a slave of Christ,
Caliber I really liked your comment here on the anointed. It is what I understand it to be,
are you still about these days.