The WTS - The Thief of Dreams and Souls

by Hopscotch 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hopscotch

    Recently I heard this song called "Who Will Take My Dreams Away' from the movie The City of Lost Children. The movie is about an evil scientist who kidnaps children to steal their dreams for his own selfish means.

    The first two lines of the second verse are:

    "Who will take your dreams away
    Takes your soul another day."

    For those of us who were JWs for most of our lives isn't that exactly what the WTS did to us. They stole our dreams and hopes and ultimately our souls - the very essence of who we are. And as we have read in so many tragic stories on this board recently, in some cases they have stolen our soulmates and families as well.

    And after waking up to the lies of the WTS after 20, 30 or 40 or more years it is so easy to feel like lost children.

    What gives me hope is these words in the last verse:

    "Now our mission is complete
    And our friends are here.
    Evil things brought down by the light
    Life goes on until the end."

    So here is the song Who Will Take My Dreams Away sung by Marianne Faithfull.


  • VampireDCLXV

    Makes a lot of sense, Hop.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, Hopscotch ...


  • WTWizard

    This is easy to see. Their policies are designed to do just that. You learn to walk, you are pushing doorbells all day. As soon as you can talk, you are handing out wastes of paper. When you go to school, you are out in field circus after school every damn day, and you will pio-sneer every time you get a week off from school. You are supposed to get baptized at age 6, and you are put on a guilt trip at such point until you submit to it. There are no celebrations of any kind, save that lame REJECT Jesus Party. Class trips are rare or non-existent: Even field trips are discouraged because of "bad associations".

    It never stops once you graduate from high school. College is forbidden, under threat of loss of "privileges" and prestige for the parents. Children are usually not able to move out of home once they come of age--I have seen more than my share of witless children still living with parents full-time into their 30s. Instead, they are required to pio-sneer or go to Beth Hell (which is even worse than monastery work). Men are urged to become hounders--and to join the Value Destroyer Training School (though recently I heard of where they are going to allow married couples where both parties are in good standing to join the Value Destroyer Training School, but the wives will be spending much of it out in field circus). And, it doesn't stop--crap jobs, no retirement, "We do not retire or take vacations", and the like ensures that witlesses will be knocking on doors right up until they die.

    And, what do they accomplish for it all? They don't even succeed in reducing the amount of work left. They might get a few people into the cancer, doing the exact same work, only to watch some of those very people come here and then realize that the religion is a scam. They produce nothing worthwhile. They are not an asset to the community--they don't contribute to holidays and festivities, they rarely contribute to neighborhood watches, and they almost never do anything for regular charities. They also never do anything at work that they could be remembered for. Instead, they waste their lives doing nothing useful, and then they die. Which is the ultimate of theft of dreams and souls.

  • Hopscotch

    I just found this song again on my music list and and while listening I remembered this thread I made 3 years ago.

    Since making this thread I have had even more dreams stolen - the dream of seeing my niece and nephews grow up and get married. Two of them have been married in the past 3 years and of course I wasn't invited let alone told when the wedding was on. In fact I recently found out that my niece was getting married the next day by reading a post my JW brother had posted on a weather forum!

    And a few weeks ago my elderly JW dad who had restablished a small amount of phone contact with me after my mother in laws passing last year wrote me a curt note saying he did not want me to contact him again. He told me his eldership could be in jeopardy if he continued contact with me (I'm not df'd or da'd) and that was too important to him to lose.

    So the dream of having any kind of normal relationship with my father before he dies has been stolen away again.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    So wonderful "seeing" you again, dear Hopscotch!

    I'm sorry that you're undergoing these sad bereavements yet again. Please stay in touch -- we care!



  • suavojr

    I am sorry to hear that you are receiving such unloving treatment Hopscotch Emoji

    I want to thank you for sharing the song and don't forget that life goes on until the end. You have shown courage for standing up against lies and manipulation and what we decide to fight against today will give our future generations the courage to fight back.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    WTWizard, you are right on, as usual. I appreciate your writing!

  • suavojr

    Never forget what you said 4 years ago...

    But WE ARE SURVIVORS of this cult and we should never underestimate ourselves and the power we had within us to do what we did. No matter what else happens in our life we have this to be proud of. We need to remind ourselves of this often and give ourselves a big pat on the back.

    Yes, we ARE SURVIVORS and proud of it! We are here for you

  • Hopscotch

    CoCo- Thank you for your kind words and support. Even though I don't post much I read this board nearly every day and have found much comfort and encouragement on here over the years.

    WTWizard - as IownMyLife says, your words are spot on. Thanks

    suavojr - Thank you for your encouragement and also reminding me (and everyone here) that we are indeed Survivors.


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