I never worried for myself about Armageddon when I was an active, believing JW. I believed that Big J was a god of justice, and if he judged that I was not worthy of Paradise, that would be fair and Just. So, I had no fear of Armageddon.
As soon as I completed my study of the 1914 Doctrine, it took a few minutes, I realised that Armageddon could well be a nonsense, and certainly no human would know when it was likely to strike. I then researched the Book of Revelation.
I soon discovered that it was a Political Tract of its time, not inspired, and not pointing forward to any time much further than the writer could foresee, although, as part of his Apocalyptic style of writing goes, as part of the genre, he appears to "prophecy" such an event. But then so did a lot of such writings, most of which did not make it in to the Bible Canon.
Any thought of the reality of Armageddon was gone for me.