I like this place. I like the mix of posters. I think it's a helpful site and most informative.
Why Do You Come Here?
by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends
I like it here.
Right now, you are the only friends I have got. Certainly the only ones I can talk with. My old friends at the hall only want to talk about "the truth" field service, the meetings, and a little bit of personal info, (heavily laced with a thanks be to Jehovah)
There is no where else to go for conversation.
by the way. Great conversations.
The WTBTS does its best to make sure JWs believe they have nowhere to go if they leave the organization.
This is a place for ex-JWs and questioning JWs to find out that isn't true, to get information, to make friends, to work through their emotions, and to sort out what they are going to believe and to do with their lives.
Hiya, Grandma!
This place can be pretty cheap therapy.
Outlaw, she's cute.
Becuase it is one of the few sites that actually works on my crappy computer.
Ohh and I love you all!!!!!
I have a fetish for red dots.
OK, I like talking to people all over the place, we have a shared background, and it's just fun.