Read this on another thread. Anyone have further information?
Audrey said she and Knorr didn't have relations?
by GrandmaJones 11 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Unless you spent every moment observing their private interactions, it's all just speculation, at best, and a case of hearsay at worst.
There is a school of thought, however, that views abstinence as a real virtue. Maybe Audrey was not complaining - maybe she was bragging.
Audrey did remarry about within a couple years after Knorr died. We had sent a card for her. She responded in so many words that she did get some flak from some that she remarried. But she clearly stated she was enjoying her life then and enjoyed a somewhat quieter life.
hardly surprising with Knorr's obsession with sex and the rumours of his homosexuality.
There were rumors of his homosexuality? You have to be kidding!
GJ;I'm not too sure of the amount of GB members who were married, I believe Schroeder was as was Lloyd Barry, Ray Franz and Barr, but the rest of them were a bunch of filthy dirty old sexual deviants, no wonder there were so many homosexual scandals in Bethel in the 70's.
Good God Man! Put the scotch down.
what you mean Watson? just got in from work, the strongest thing I'm drinking is a cup of tea.
:Unless you spent every moment observing their private interactions, it's all just speculation, at best, and a case of hearsay at worst.
:There is a school of thought, however, that views abstinence as a real virtue. Maybe Audrey was not complaining - maybe she was bragging.
Any man who spends time at the breakfast table telling his new Bethel "boys" how to urinate without actually touching "it" ain't right.
There is plenty of evidence from living, breathing former Bethel "boys" who heard those lectures. If a Bethel "boy" can't touch "it" while urinating, then what is a wife to do with "it" in bed? Look at it and wonder what "it" might be able to do?
Urinating ain't "nasty", but for those who hold that it is, then sex must be really "nasty."
Knorr was sexually dysfunctional.
I once heard from someone that a member of the GB married a sister and had a prenup that stated that they would not have sexual relations. I was like, WTF?