Toilet Seat Up Or Down??????

by ladonna 28 Replies latest social relationships

  • Abaddon

    Unless I'm in a hurry, or headed out the door in outdoor clothes, I always sit, no matter what I am doing.

    This allows a minutes contemplation of the infinate, and pursual of whatever books or magazines I have 'on the go' in the loo.

    One thing I have noticed is girls pee like mares (three secinds, all done), guys trickle longer... due to a longer urethra perhaps? I thought it was only me, but in a discussion of 'wierd stuff about girls' that I had with some male friends (yeah girls, we talk about you as well; the sport is a cover, the minute you're out the room we talk about your skanky underwear and cellulite), it came out that this was a common thing.

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • funkyderek

    Here's a handy tip for anyone who has a problem with the position of toilet seats. If it's up and you want it down, put it down. If it's down and you want it up, put it up!

    "The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion." - Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason, 1794.

    (edited for typos)

  • ashitaka

    whatever position I leave it in when I'm done. My wife has hands, too, you know. I think that 'put the toilet seat down' legend, is urban myth.


  • Martini

    I think this whole problem with women folk complaining that the toilet seats should be put down originated with the lazy house wife who didn't like to clean the underside. When men raised the seat and left it that way , everyone could see the diarrhea stains from times past! Later down the line the story takes a spin and voila as per usual the men folk get the blame!


    Moral: Up or down just make certain all is spik and span.

  • LB

    So Martini when Venice said she didn't like looking at water, what she was really saying was she didn't like looking at poop stains?

    Good, now I can have that glass of water.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • Mindchild

    Sheesh what is wrong with you people? Just buy a urinal for him and that solves the problem. Speaking of toilets though, way back when I used to install home security systems in the homes of the ultra rich (I did one in Bruce Disney's house once, brother of Walt Disney) it was always fun to look at the toilets that cost more than some of us pay for our cars.

    I remember this one bathroom in a home that had exotic Italian toilets that were custom made that had all kinds of features. It hardly even looked like a toilet, more like a really weird looking dentists chair that was purple, and when you went to sit down on it, the lid automatically moved back. It had armrests that had several controls built in them that activated fans, flushing, washing, drying, music, seat temperature, and more! I remember talking to the guy about it and he told me it was nothing compared to Japanese toilets that did all this but also analyized your urine and sent reports to your doctor.

    I really think the GB back at WTS headquarters needs these new type of toilets to tell them they are full of shit.

    Skipper (leaving the seat down class)

  • Amazing

    Here's the plan: Put a special hinge on the seat so that it can be left half-way between up and down. This way, when the woman goes, she only has to push it half-way down, and when the man goes, he only has to push it half-way up. Of course, when each are done, they need to push it back half way again. This way, they conservae energy and end all the debate about unfairness.

  • rhett

    First of all, I'm not trying to sound sexist here at all and more than anything this should be taken as a light hearted joke. With that out of the way.........
    If I've ever heard one arguement that says men are the superior of the two sexes its the toilet seat arguement. If a woman can't remember to look and see if the seat is up or down before she sits on it and possibly ends up with a wet butt then what more proof do you need that men are the superior of the two sexes?

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • bigfloppydog

    My vote is for men to please put seat down when they have a tinkle. I's not nice when a woman wakes up in the middle of the night, half asleep and half awake - goes to sit down and hits cold water. I'ts happened to me so hubby now kindly puts it down for me.

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