For those interested in jehovahs witnesses or those wanting to return to the kindom hall, this video is to give you a realistic look at what goes on at the meetings. enjoy
Video of Public Talk
by Pig 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Here's the linkable:
I love the singing, I imagine it reflects the current situation with the new songs.
I have to imagine because I cannot bring mysefl to walk into the KH.
Pretty accurate except for the Smurf. I doubt that happens often, even in some kid's head.I hope SOUTHPARK does a JW episode soon.
I hope SOUTHPARK does a JW episode soon.
We should writte to them...:)
thanks for the linkable OnTheWayOut
I think doing that was the only time i've ever enjoyed singing the kindom melodies
I had to include the smurf. it's the only interesting thing that has ever happened in a Kingdom Hall
Very good thank you
I don't know if I am crying because it is so funny or so sad.
Sadly I know everyone in this play.
I have been in 5 different congragations where I was old enough to pay attention, and they all are just the same.
Are all congragations all over the country (world) really this much the same?
I had to include the smurf. it's the only interesting thing that has ever happened in a Kingdom Hall
If I ever find myself in a Kingdom Hall (it could happen for some funerals, but only if the living are comforted by my presence) I will not be able to help myself but to picture a smurf pissing on a Bible, cursing, running out of the place. LOL Thanks.
Little Imp
My husband and I just almost wet ourselves laughing watching that!!
I feel like I just awoke from a nightmare .... somebody pinch me! Both hilarious and horrible! Can't stop laughing, can't stop .........
..........weeping. Brilliant reality check!
diana netherton
I can't stop's so realistic!