so anyway it worked out good. I found a local EX JW that is now a pasture at a local church. He remembered me comming to his house 5 years ago. and I honestly remembered it too. it was one of those doors you left feeling like the housholder had more faith in what they believe then you do... and the conversation has been read over 200 times...
by Found Sheep 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Amen! I am looking forward to seeing some of the JWs who knocked on my door before too long :)
Love the user name by the way! Luke 15:3-7
Blessings in Christ,
Found Sheep
it would take a lot of self control to have a JW at the door AFTER you were one and 100% out... I think it is a good thin! this ex-jw may have been a good seed of dout for me