You can get disfellowshipped for a dirty house too!

by GrandmaJones 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • GrandmaJones

    I was telling my sister that I downloaded a copy of the new "Flock" book (don't worry, my sister doesn't bat an eye over my doing things like this) and she was asking me if there was anything "good" or "juicy" in it. Imagine her shock when I told her that members of the flock can be DF'd for keeping an untidy house.

    Seriously, I think they were talking about hoarders. THAT IS EVEN WORSE!!!!!!!! Hoarding is really a mental illness, if you ask me. How can they now DF you for being unwell? That makes me so mad...

  • Satanus

    'How can they now DF you for being unwell?'

    It's standard policy for them, anyone detracting from their ideal image gets turfed. Their goal isn't to help the poor, sick, lame, incompetent or those unable to function. Theirs is a hive that needs worker bees. I saw on tv, that worker bees, when they get sick, they fly off and die, somewhere. Wt corp dffs it's 'sick' ones, viewing them as dead.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Oh boy, is my mom EVER in for it now! She'll never make it back.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    What does it say on the subject?

  • WTWizard

    Well, here's the problem. Suppose someone was keeping a clean house but their field circus time was quite low. The hounders told them not to worry so much about the house and get that field circus time up--failure to do that would have been "brazen conduct".

    Now, the field circus time is up, but the house is dirty. What now? There is still the standing "counsel" about letting the house go a bit to do more in field circus. Now, this person is up sxxx creek without a paddle. They can back off on field circus and risk "brazen conduct" on not adhering to the counsel about that issue, or continue with more field circus time and get disfellowshipped for a dirty house. The result is going to be the same either way: Threatened death, a busted up family, and being cut off by all the witlesses. Those cockroaches don't leave people with any way out.

  • Heaven

    Does it give specifics on what constitutes 'untidy'? Because if it means leaving your tools lying around on the floor under your kitchen table, then my Father is screwed!

  • ValiantBoy

    I once knew a woman who the elders would not approve as a publisher because of how unclean her house was--but it was nasty--full of animal feces. The woman was obviously metally ill though and I always felt that the publishers who studied with her were taking advantage of her limited faculties.

  • Heaven

    ValiantBoy... that is quite sad. I wonder why these 'publishers' didn't clean her house for her. Isn't that what part of Christ's message is all about?

    JWs... doing everything they can to avoid doing Christ's real work.

  • GrandmaJones

    It doesn't specify how untidy and dirty the house is. I get the impression that this may be known to outsiders. Really, I think this is ridiculous. Just who is going to take charge of this duty? Will the elders start coming for "home inspections"?

  • yknot

    Well this 'point' under Chapter 5, vs 14, pg 65 from the 'Shepherding' publication..

    Extreme physical uncleanness: Deut. 23:12-14; 2 Cor. 7: 1) Every effort should be made to help the offender see the need to keep his body and place of residence physically clean. Before disfellowshiping would be considered elders would need to be certain that the uncleaness is
    pronounced and offensive, bringing much reproach upon Jehovah's good name and his people in the community. Appropriate counsel should be given. If this is not heeded, then marking may be necessary. (2 Thess 3: 14) If there is blatant, willful disregard the counsel given and extremely offensive unclean conditions continue, disfeUowshipping action may be necessary.

    Seems to be more of a 'tool' to force people into conformity. While I have never had the displeasure of members who would qualify under this judicial understanding I would probably appreciate the effort and enforcement afforded to the Elders in this matter and is actually the primary 'point' that lead me to ask about why marital due couldn't be enforced the same way!

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