Usually I'm not into Dr. Phil at all. But yesterday he had on Dr. Philip Zimbardo from Standford university on the show to talk about obedience to authority. Now the focus was on people doing BAD and CRUEL things when obeying authority, but I could not help but see how many of the psychological issues also seemed to take place in Jehovah's Witnesses.
For example, a man was waiting outside the studio when a security gaurd walked up to the waiting man with a supposed thief. He said he had to go get his supervisor, and would the man watch this guy for him. "If he tries to run, just take this tazer. It won't hurt him, it'll just imobilize him" is what he said. So the guy took the tazer and the guard walked off. The thief then said to the guy, "Ok, I'm out of here." Immediately the man tazed him. And while the guy was still on the ground, he tazed him again for good measure.
Now this was all setup and planned (except for the man that tazed the "thief"). The question was, why did this guy follow the directions of this guard? The guard was in fact an actor, and had no authority at all.
Some of the conclusions were VERY interesting. One of the conclusions was that when we preceive that someone has authority over us, we tend to give unquestioning obedience. Sometimes certain environments can also contribute to doing things we NEVER would have thought we would be capable doing. One example given was the experience of what went on at Abu Ghraib. Some of these men and women were "perfect soliders" but found themselves involved with very inhumane practices.
Anyway, it made me think about the situation of Jehovah's Witnesses. They have the preceived authority of the Governing Body over them. They give it unquestioning obedience. They believe things that they may never have chosen on their own. How many Witnesses would drink the spiked "Kool Aid" if commanded by the GB? Sadly I think a great majority WOULD.
Here is Dr. Philip Zimbardo's website. . Most of you will recognize him from the infamous stanford prison experiment in the 1970's where he set up a mock prison with students acting as guards and students acting as prisoners. After 1 day the guards began to be physically and mentally abusive to the prisoners, the prisoners began fighting with the guards, and all hell broke loose causing the experiment to end in only 6 days.