What are the names of the current GB members? Do the R&F know the Names?

by Momma-Tossed-Me 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Watchtowers Witnesses
    Watchtowers Witnesses

    Someone should photoshop straightjackets on the GB. They're all nutjobs.

    I actually think it would be a good strategy to find out more about the personal lives of the GB. What kind of education do they have? Any skeletons in their closets? It would help to expose who is behind the Watchtower's curtain. Of course I realize that the lawyers are probably more in charge, but that's not what Witnesses are told.

  • jookbeard

    that's a huge name Gorby, very much one I've never heard of and I dont doubt you at all , would be interesting to dig a bit on this dude.

  • booby
  • jookbeard

    Booby; cant click on that link

  • Blind Willie McTell
    Blind Willie McTell

    is this the dude? Great street name if so!

    Philip Brumley

    131 Brimstone Rd
    Patterson, NY 12563 (845) 278-8138
    Add to Address Book | Driving Directions
  • booby

    jookbeard - not sure how to make them clickable. Just copy and paste

  • blondie




    life stories:

    Barber, Carey W.: w07 10/15 31

    Barr, John E.: w87 7/1 26-31

    Barry, W. Lloyd: w99 10/1 16-17

    Booth, John C.: w96 6/15 32

    Franz, Frederick W.: w93 3/15 31-2; w87 5/1 22-30

    Gangas, George D.: w94 12/1 31

    Klein, Karl F.: w01 5/1 31

    Poetzinger, Martin: w88 9/15 31

    Schroeder, Albert D.: w06 9/15 31; w88 3/1 10-17

    Swingle, Lyman A.: w01 7/1 31

    Sydlik, Daniel: w07 1/1 8

    *** w07 1/1 p. 17 Gilead Graduates Receive Instruction That Touches the Heart ***Geoffrey Jackson, a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, opened the program by welcoming the 56 graduates and the international audience of 6,366.

    jws could have access to who the gb are by a little research with the CD

  • Gorbatchov

    See Philip Bromley with other church leaders in a US Government hearing:


  • booby
  • booby

    Even Jarazc came back for a cameo

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