The Watchtower and Awake have given some warnings in the past concerning materials available via the Internet. Apostate and porn sites, violent games, useless and frivolous entertainment, and so on. For now, they are contended with just giving friendly warnings. How long will it take until they see the danger as real as it is and condemn the use of the Internet? Will they give up their site and Or will they say Christians should use the Internet just to visit this sites? Does anyone here have any knowledge about a possible "new light" on this issues?
How long until the WT Society gives "new light" about the Internet?
by DagothUr 32 Replies latest jw friends
Your guess is as good as mine. I'm sure its only time before the GB force control of JW's being internetless. As far as it being new light, I don't think so. Just a new rule.
They just cannot go that far. The internet is in schools down to pre-school. It's used for travel and information. The printing industry is dying and WTS even uses it to make their garbage available. I see a future where it is the only place to get their monthly garbage.
They do a fine job of demonizing facebook and apostate stuff. They will probably just keep doing the same.
No way it saves too much $$. I'm sure they consider it a necessary evil. Eventually all the literature will be distributed online primarily and you'll print off your own copies.
They have to be careful putting that kind of admonition out. The internet for doubting cult members is like boys are to Catholic school girls. The more you try to seperate the two, the more the latter will seek out what they think they're missing, often with much satisfaction. The WT puts out an article going overboard on the potential of running into brazen apostacy on the internet, the chances increase that publishers will become curious and even act on their curiosity. Personally, I think apostacy is a second hand reason the WT criticises the internet for primary reasons being pornography, and the WEB being time consuming. Make no mistake about it, pornography is a HUGE problem right now. I'm hearing more and more stories of brothers getting removed for this. Two of which in my own congregation. Lets be honest, the internet can be time consuming. You ever notice in the articles they do put out that are anti-Internet, they throw out the usual suspects, and then a small blip on apostacy. They're purposely avoiding going too hard at apostacy on the web because they don't want the unintended effect of publshers curiosity getting the best of them, especially those already having doubts and needing confirmation of what they already have suspicions on.
They will more than likely branch out into a 'Witness Friendly' search site....
They are already following JWN's lead in PDFing publications and KMs are available for download at for Elders/MS.
I noticed the other day they had altereded the login process.... attempting to make it 'easier' for Elders/MS to login without having to provide congregation account number-- just username and password now.
(yes you too can register but it will be a 'dummy account' and you wont get any of the good stuff!)
The internet has too many useful purposes. Even the WTS wants their followers to download the mp3 from the internet instead of receiving them on a CD. They will just continue to warn the flock of the potential dangers of the internet.
So are these brothers getting removed for porn getting caught by their wives or are they fessing up out of guilt? Just curious.
They could never do this and it has nothign to do with doubters. No one would listen to this counsel and you would inherently start losing your control by making an edict that can not be enforced and will not be followed.
The internet is a utility now, like your phone and electric. They will continue to issue warnings like they do with entertainment but they will never outright ban it.