Throwing a wet blanket on 2034

by pirata 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • pirata

    On a few occasions I've heard suggestions of 2034 as the "date", since it is 120 years after 1914; Just like Noah's time.

    It looks to me like the Governing Body is being pro-active in preventing this in becoming a date that is speculated on.

    The Dec 15, 2010 WT (Printed Version) has an interesting QFR, asking if Noah had knowledge of the 120 years. The answer was: Noah didn't know about the 120 year time period, but that didn't matter to him because he knew it was coming and kept busy. I don't currently have the printed copy handy but can post a few quotes from it later on (unless someone else has it handy).

    Just thought it was interesting. It seems to me that having a group of men in leadership instead of an individual prevents any fanciful speculation on dates from becoming official.


    How do they know Noah didn't know about the 120 years? And yes he knew it was coming because he spoke personally with God, something we cant do today. How are we supposed to put faith in a God who refuses to reveal himself when he did so on a regular basis in the old testament?

  • TD

    From the JW standpoint (Accepting the story as literal) the numbers in the Bible itself don't add up. Noah could not possibly have known it was coming until the 70 year mark or so. The Insight book speculates that it was even less.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    They don't want it speculated on until we get within 7 years or so of it. It pushes it too far in the future at this stage of the game. But I'm convinced that's where they are headed around 2027 or so.

  • sd-7

    Yeah, but in Genesis 7:1, God says to Noah, "You are the one that I have seen to be righteous before me among this generation." Clearly, by this time, 120 years had largely passed. It is quite possible, then, that "this generation" of anointed ones whose lives overlap with anointed ones who first saw the signs of the last days could end in 120 years as it did with Noah. It could. But we are not saying. Armageddon could come, but we are not saying.


  • pirata
    They don't want it speculated on until we get within 7 years or so of it. It pushes it too far in the future at this stage of the game. But I'm convinced that's where they are headed around 2027 or so.

    I wouldn't be suprised. Then in 2035 they can point to this eager expectation as proof that they are keeping on the Watch!

  • dmouse

    It's called plausable deniability.

    In any case, Noah didn't know about the 120 years, but WE do, and as the December 15th Watchtower, 2003, says:

    9.Jehovah has kept these warnings in front of his people by means of timely reminders through the spiritual food provided by the faithful and discrete slave.

    21.Although the Flood seems remote from our day, it clearly provides a warning that we must not ignore.

  • sd-7

    The Boy Who Cried Wolf might make into the next book, then. "Was the boy who cried wolf a bad shepherd? Not necessarily. He was alert to changing conditions and reported on what he thought he saw. In the same way, some Christians in modern times have had wrong understandings of things pertaining to Bible prophecy. But declaring those things did not cause them to fail to carry out Jesus' commission to preach a warning message." Problem solved!

  • pirata

    Boy Who Cried Wolf

    Or perhaps "The Wolf who cried 'Oh Boy'"

  • yknot

    Yep since the 'Jesus Meant' WT article I have long said and will say again the new 'end date' based on this 'generation' is now Dec 31, 2154

    While Noah might have not known that 120 years was what Jah had in mind.....there is no reversal of scripture so 120 years stands

    (Genesis 6:1-3) 6 Now it came about that when men started to grow in numbers on the surface of the ground and daughters were born to them, 2 then the sons of the [true] God began to notice the daughters of men, that they were good-looking; and they went taking wives for themselves, namely, all whom they chose. 3 After that Jehovah said: “My spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years.”

    An anointed born Dec 31, 1914 11:59PM doesn't die until Dec 31, 2034 11:59 and another anointed child was born on the same day 10 seconds prior to the old anointed dying and we have an overlap!

    So that child now grows up and lives another 120 years and dies Dec 31, 2154 11:59pm


    On a side note: UMMMMM so let me get this straight-- some horny angels materialize, marry 'good looking' gals, get them knocked up create 'fellers' and the HUMANs have to pay? HUH? Why, what is the whole concept of punishing others but not the 'wrongdoer' alone?

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