he mentioned that he works on the "RBC" committee to help build places of worship in his community
I thought they were places to learn, not places to worship
by watson 19 Replies latest jw friends
he mentioned that he works on the "RBC" committee to help build places of worship in his community
I thought they were places to learn, not places to worship
Jehovah's Witnesses now allowed to gamble/do lottery. Its official. LOOK. Page 136 of new secret Elders Flock Book: If a person makes a practice of gambling and after repeated counsel unrepentantly pursues a line of greediness, he could be disfellowshipped from the Christian congregation. However, elders would not want to get involved in what publishers do in this respect unless spirituality is endangered....
Amelia Ashton, Welcome to the board!
A sister in my old hall was on wheel of fortune. This was back in the early 80's when the show was really hot, she won the equvalent of about $25,000.
She was the daughter of a promenent elder, so yeah, gameshows are A-OK.
I saw the show and picked up on the "RBC" comment. I kind of figured it out after he said he had a cleaning business and worked at a restaurant. Poor guy didn't win much.
No aSphere,
Just because she's an Elduh's daughter doesn't give her a pass, she didn't wait on Jehovah
she went on a gamblin' show
Jehovah, please make this dices give me a 5:2 or a 6:1 at least! Please, in Jesus' name! Amen.
How is "Wheel of Fortune" gambling?
The clue is, "People that are smarter than you"
_ P O S T _ T E S
Pat, I'd like to solve the puzzle.
I think it was the CA in 2008 that there was a symposium that warned against watching game shows because of the snare of materialism. It was a genuine WTF moment. I know sir82 posted a thread on it but I can't find it, hopefully he will chime in on this thread.